Chapter 15

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♬ The Only Reason by 5 Seconds of Summer ♬

♬ Made In The USA by Demi Lovato ♬



DINNER WITH THE group went by in a blur. I hadn't remembered myself sharing so many open and effortless laughs with people in quite some time. It was refreshing, and each of us were dreading the end. It was Brady and Ivette's last night, but none of us were ready to accept their departure.

"You guys should just stay a few more days," said Jacob. "Seriously, I don't think I can handle withdraws again."

Ivette was already tearing up. "We'll come back, obviously. But we've got classes and such still going on, you know?"

Brady had set his hand on top of hers in a gesture for comfort, which must have triggered something in my own mind because my hand fell to Grace's knee. Such a simple touch yet my body flared up.

"No more absence," Grace said sternly, trying to keep her voice strong as we all stood by the door to bid goodbyes. "Call me every day, or every minute, I don't care. Just call me whenever."

Ivette squeezed her tight in response.

Though tears were close to it, none were shed. More so glistened, if you could call it that. Ivette closed the door behind us with watery eyes and Jacob and Grace left all the same. I tried to pull a Brady and merely keep my mind away from it. Ivette had made a point-their absence wouldn't be forever.

Grace locked her hand with mine the walk downstairs and I almost took in a breath at how much weight was lifted from my shoulders. I had her back. She said so herself.

So why did I feel so uncertain about it?

"If only Estella were here and Ivette and Brady were staying, this would all feel mostly normal again," remarked Jacob as he nodded down at our conjoined hands. A smirk was on his lips.

Grace grinned back and I myself couldn't help but smile a little, pushing away the nagging part of my subconscious the best I could.

Once we reached the parking lot, Grace looked as if she were about to say goodbye. I intervened with an innocent question. "Where's your car?" I was near positive she didn't have one.

She gave me a look. "I walked. My apartment isn't far."

"Maybe, but it's dark now."

"People shouldn't attack other people, then," she stated matter-of-factly.

I smiled some. "I agree, but that doesn't mean those specific people do, too. We'll just get a cab, yeah?"

Jacob, thankfully, was on my side with the whole situation.

Grace had rolled her eyes playfully, but agreed as well nonetheless.

The cab ride was slow yet enjoyable all the same. Jacob and Grace had a contest to see who could make the most "Bible puns". It went a little like Jacob saying, "Which Holy Book has been corrupted? The Brible." And Grace responding, "Which Old Testament patriarch stuffed a pig under his shirt? A bra ham." With me ending it all with either a dramatic laugh or disapproving shake of the head.

I got out to walk Grace up to her apartment when we arrived. Even though I knew I would see her again very soon, it still seemed too soon to part. After all, she had just accepted me back into her life again. A knot in my stomach told me it would be very easy to screw that up, and for some reason, I thought being separated even for the shortest amount of time would do the trick.

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