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Ch. 17: Into the Mountains

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After I explained to the others what occurred in Friedesh, we agreed it was best to hurry. As badly as King Brinley wanted to capture a Deathsinger, the destruction of the Light of the World—the reason he held the title of High King—would take precedence. Soldiers would swarm the area.

Yoko stole supplies while Astreia and I slept. Making a trip in a few bells that should have taken half the day, and doing so twice, drained us both beyond functioning. My dreams were twisted with darkness and death, but not fear. A presence waited—always just out of sight—that offered comfort and safety. In my sleep, I knew who it was, but when I opened my eyes, feeling refreshed, the knowledge disappeared. Stretching my legs, I smiled at the princess snoring softly next to me.

"Are you all right?" Tievel asked. He pointed at the arm I favored as I stood. His voice was weak, and his eyes burned bright with the remnants of fever.

"Am I all right?" I smoothed his now yellow hair from his face. "You scared us all."

He caught my hand and pressed it against his cheek. "You could have Sung last night, and I would have died."

Licking my lips, I curled my fingers into my palm and withdrew from him. "Why would you say that?"

"In my fever dreams, I begged you to Sing, to put me out of my misery, and you wouldn't do it."

"I could never."

Tievel smiled, his blue eyes softer than I'd ever seen them. "My subconscious clearly always knew that, and now I know that. You could have escaped last night. You could have killed me. Anything but what you did. I owe you my life."

My fingers settled on my throat. "We're even."

His angular features sharpened with pain.

"I'm sorry for putting that blasted collar on you," he said, pulling me into his arms. I curled against him and pressed my ear to his chest. The steady thud of his heart delighted me, and I vowed I would not be the reason it stopped beating.

"I'm sorry for not telling you."

"Do we have a truce?" he asked. His fingers trailed down my throat, tracing the same path as the Reaper's—so perfectly that I put my hand over his to stop the movement.

Kissing the top of his hand to cover my strange reaction, I smiled up at him. "We have a truce."

"Disgusting. Both of you," Astreia said, sticking her finger down her throat before stretching her arms over her head. She sat up, her gaze latching onto Yoko as she approached through the trees. "You're back."

"What news did you come across?" Tievel asked, shifting his arm to my waist. It wasn't the most comfortable position, but I enjoyed the freedom to touch one another so openly. It's what I had desired for so long.

"No one suspects we had anything to do with—"

"Why would they?" I asked, a hair too defensively. Astreia raised her brow, and I clamped my mouth shut.

Yoko mimicked Astreia's face and then said, "Anyway, they don't think anyone had anything to do with it. Apparently, the Light of the World has been growing smaller for years, and they silenced the few people brave enough to mention it. The prevailing theory is that the curse overwhelmed it at last. The royal troops are on their way here, but Friedesh is definitely lost. A Pixie flew over this morning. Darkness covers the entire city, and she said it's quiet as a tomb."

Tievel shuddered. Talk of monsters and curses did not phase him, but the mention of tombs sent goosebumps across his pallid skin.

The former soldier continued, "With everyone so focused on the village, I felt comfortable enough to purchase most of the items we needed from a passing peddler. It's better than stealing from someone and leaving them without."

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