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Ch. 20: A Moment of Levity

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"This is absurd."

"Tell us again how you feel," Yoko muttered as she wrapped her scarf around the lower half of her face.

With the hood of her cloak pulled up and her mouth covered, she reminded me of the Reaper, causing the spot between my shoulder blades to itch as if my thoughts had called him. Considering I didn't fully grasp the extent of his abilities, it wasn't impossible that I was wrong.

A gust of wind cut through my coat. The higher we traveled, the lower the temperatures became, and the little warmth provided by the sun waned as it vanished behind the horizon.

My armpits provided relief to my chilled fingers, and I lamented the fact my new winter magic didn't make me impervious to the cold. Astreia and Tievel covered their faces as Yoko had done, but it didn't disguise the amusement in their eyes as they watched me pout.

"What do you have to offer us up there?" Yoko asked. The reprieve granted by our fireside chat had apparently ended, and she was back to her sour attitude and snippy comments. "It's bad enough we're taking three up there. The less the better."

After discovering the storm's increasing intensity, they determined it would be best to assess the situation tonight and try to pass through tomorrow. In the worst-case scenario, we could double back to the Crossroads and take the road around the mountain. It would add at least two days to our trip, but Tievel pointed out we were beyond King Brinley's reach, lessening our need to rush.

"Love," Tievel said, rubbing his gloved hands up and down my arms, his blue eyes glittering above his scarf. A single strand of rust red hair fell into his face, and I wondered what color the Reaper's hair was.

"I know what you're going to say."

"There's no need to put you in harm's way."

"What about you?" I demanded, gripping his coat front. If I closed my eyes, I could still see him lying on the ground, his flesh heated to near melting as the poison spread.

"We are Blessed," he responded. The High Elf's way of tactfully saying impervious and practically immortal. "What injuries we sustain today will be healed. You would not be so lucky, and I won't lose you."

He kissed me like before. Demanding. His tongue swiping across my lips until I opened and let him fill me with his taste. Kissing Tievel was like standing in a thunderstorm, the electricity in the air raising the hair on your arms while the rain threatened to drown you. I clung to him, half afraid if I loosened my grip, I would be swept away.

Yoko cleared her throat, and Tievel reluctantly withdrew.

"You promised to be at my side the next time there was danger." It was a low blow, but worth it if it meant they did not leave me behind.

But Tievel just chuckled and buttoned the top buttons of my coat up to my neck. "I believe I said the next time you find yourself in danger, I will be at your side. We are making sure you aren't in danger."

Astreia hugged me. "Take this time to rest. There is no point in you making this journey."

"Fine!" I conceded with a huff and plopped beside the fire Tievel conjured. Unlike last night's fire, it burned steadily and grew no larger than he designed it. "I'll just keep company with the horse."

The horse didn't acknowledge me. The feed bag filled with grain interested him far more than a pouting girl.

Yoko clapped her hands together. "Now that you've accepted that. We need to go. We can't miss our window."

The window. For a short while, while the sky hovered between mauve and charcoal, the lightning calmed. Or so they hoped.

"How long do you think you'll be gone?"

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