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Ch. 27: A Complication

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Remiel (I refused to call him Remy) was forced to wait for a second boat to be ferried to the hidden ship. Our little dinghy barely looked as if it could support five people. A sixth was out of the question.

He settled on the sand next to the guides and chatted with them as we rowed out to sea, but there was no doubt he paid the men speaking only half a mind, his eyes tracking us as we bobbed on top of the water. Because of limited space, I sat wedged between Tievel's thighs, and while I would never use the word soft to describe any part of him, the tension in his body became a physical presence, turning his flesh to stone as he glared at Remiel.

"I don't like him," he said once we cleared the waves.

I leaned over the boat, transfixed by the clear water that would be smooth as glass if not for the wake of our boat. The black sand was nearly gone, replaced by icy white crystals twinkling in golden shafts of sunlight. It was a welcome distraction from what waited on the beach.

Yoko laughed. "That's because he's prettier than you."

"Oh, no," Astreia chimed in. "He's not pretty at all. That's what makes him so delicious. He's ruggedly handsome, and you look like a pretty little boy standing next to him."

"It's because he's a complication." His arms tightened around my waist and hauled me upright seconds before my fingertips dipped into the sea. "Morana, be careful. There are creatures below who will pull you overboard and feast on your flesh. Maiden is their favorite."

Wide eyed, I curled my fingers over my lap as Astreia bit back a girlish giggle. "Maiden is also a favorite of yours, so I've heard."

Ignoring her, I shoved an elbow into his stomach to loosen his hold—just enough that I could look over the side once more, my limbs remaining safely inside the boat. "But where would anything hide?"

Yoko tapped my knee and pointed to an area two feet away. "Watch."

I stared until my eyes burned, and when I was about to give up, a form took shape over the crystals. It reminded me of the way Tievel appeared whenever he was invisible—only the slight disturbance in the air was a clue he was lying in wait.

And now that I could see it, I couldn't unsee it, though it was likely the creature felt no need to hide itself. Limpid green eyes blinked up at us from a narrow, wan face as we passed. Its long, sinuous tail—the same milky shade as the crystals—flicked back and forth in irritation.

"Atargat," Yoko explained while baring her teeth at the atargat. Pale pink lips parted and peeled back, exposing dark fangs. Bubbles rose as it hissed, and after one more twitch of its fin, it settled back onto the seafloor and disappeared. "They actually do quite enjoy snacking on virgins."

"Of course they do," I said, sinking back into Tievel's embrace.

Dark thoughts chased one another, reminding me of how close I'd come to being relieved of that status. Not that I put much stock into the concept of purity. Though now I wondered if there was some physical change, if the atargats preferred someone with an intact maidenhead. Still, virgin or not, my body was mine to share with whomever I chose, not a commodity to be taken because it pleased a man to do so. I repeated that idea until it beat away some of the shame staining my heart.

Tievel swept the hair off my neck and purred against my ear. "I'd be happy to make the sea crossing safer for you."

The blatant meaning of his offer sent a blast of heat through me and pushed the worst of the grim thoughts to the corners of my mind. Again, I was relieved my body responded like this to his suggestion. It was even more pleasing that my earlier fears surrounding his perception of me as being too delicate for such advances were unfounded.

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