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Ch. 21: Banshee

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When I made it to the spot where a landslide blocked the path to the pass, I realized the enormity of my mistake. Every strike caused the pile of rubble to tremble, and loose rocks tumbled down, some large enough to kill. I had no supplies to climb over them, and I was in more danger here than at the camp.

"Damn it!" I screamed, grabbing a stone and tossing it to the side. I would dismantle this barricade one stone at a time, if I must.

I covered my eyes as lightning streaked across the sky. This bolt did not strike the earth. It was not as brilliant as the others, and there had been a lengthy pause since the last one. Had I been wrong? I knew so little about the magic here.

Debris rained over my head, something sharp slicing the tender skin of my cheek before I could protect my face. Someone jerked me backward just in time to avoid becoming a red stain on the snow as a large boulder dropped directly where I'd been standing.

"This makes three times," the Reaper said, catching my chin in his hand and turning it so he could see the damage to my face. "If I'd been a second too slow..."

"I thought you left."

He released me and studied the mountain of rubble in front of us. "No, when I'm completely cloaked, my speed is enhanced. I was behind you the entire time."


Exhaling hard, he rubbed the back of his neck, then nodded. "Yes. Invisible. Is this really the time?"

I shrugged. "You're being so forthcoming, and if the world really is ending, I'd like answers before I die."

"I'll be happy to answer any question you have if you just open your damn mouth and Sing." The Reaper didn't even look at me before adding, "But that's not going to happen, so what do I need to do to keep you alive long enough to see reason?"

"You want me to Sing, but you don't even know if that will stop this? Killing Tievel won't light the portals? And if the king caused this, then why didn't it stop when he died?"

"Exactly. Because..." The Reaper huffed and closed his eyes. "What if he isn't dead?"

I opened my mouth to answer when a hoarse shout drew our attention to the top of the pile. Astreia appeared first. Then Tievel dragged Yoko's limp form over the side. The Reaper zeroed in on the prince, his hands clenched into fists.

He flinched when I touched him. "You should go before they see you."

"I suppose you haven't told them how you actually got out of Friedesh?"

"How am I supposed to explain that?" I said, drawing him beneath a tree to avoid more rocks being dislodged as my friends climbed down. "That the Reaper who helped us escape has been following along because he wants me to Sing away the prince's immortality. I'm certain that would go over well. Now go," I commanded, growing sad at the thought of his absence. He irritated me and wanted what I couldn't give, but he was the one person whose motivations were clear. I knew exactly where he stood.

"Morana," Tievel called, clutching Yoko to his chest as he dropped the last feet to the ground. He squinted in my direction, a frown tugging at his lips as the Reaper pulled his cloak around him. "Morana, is that you?"

"What happened?" I asked, gathering my skirts in my hand and rushing toward my friends. Astreia leaned against a rock and blew out a hard breath. Her starlight flickered erratically, and blood dripped down her eyebrow.

"Was someone with you?"

"No," I lied, hugging the princess and avoiding his searching gaze before repeating, "What happened?"

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