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Ch. 19: Myth

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I pretended to be sleeping when Tievel returned to the tent. He sat beside me for several long minutes, smelling like smoke and winter air. It was a challenge to not roll over and ask if he was all right, but after having time to cool off—physically and emotionally—I wanted to avoid discussing what happened between us. Or picking up where we left off.

Sleep claimed me before he laid down, and when I opened my eyes again, the space next to me was empty and cold. I didn't change my blouse or skirt, pausing only to brush out wrinkles and dust. The ghost of Tievel's searing caress washed over me as I tucked my shirt in, and I took an extra deep breath to compose myself before stepping outside.

"Look who is finally awake," Tievel said while he hitched the horse to the cart.

Yoko brushed past me and took the tent down, never once sparing me a glance. Astreia handed me a wedge of cheese and a piece of bread. Whatever thoughts clouded her mind the night before appeared to have evaporated. Once more, a teasing smile shaped her lips, and she winked at me before dousing the fire.

Through the forest canopy and beyond the overhang, I could see nothing but endless blue sky. It was as if the heavens denied the winter storm ever existed. Only the crunch of ice and snow beneath my boots proved it had happened.

The prince patted the horse's red rump before crossing the clearing to place a kiss on top of my head. "Sleep well?"

"I actually did." I fully expected to be plagued by nightmares after passing Friedesh, but somehow escaped them. It didn't mean they wouldn't come, but for now, I was grateful for the chance to recharge.

"I always sleep better after," he said, pushing a strand of pink hair behind my ear.

"After?" I choked out, bits of breadcrumbs spraying across his chest.

Brushing them off, he arched a brow and smirked. Gone was the serious man who'd pulled me from the prisons. Once more, he was the playful boy who smoked Kanna and drank Goblin wine all day. The boy who won my heart with his charm and humor, and some of the apprehensions about what transpired between us last night faded away.

"After a climax," he answered, tapping my nose. I rewarded him with the blush he sought. "I will endeavor to make sure you sleep soundly every night."

"Time to get on the road," Yoko shouted.

"I think I'll walk beside the cart for a bit," I said as Tievel clambered into the back.

Astreia jumped down from her seat next to Yoko. "I think that sounds like a good idea. I bruised my bum jostling on that hard seat all day yesterday."

Yoko frowned as she gathered the reins. "Fine. Just don't slow us down. We need to reach the Crossroads before dark if we don't want to waste an entire half day."

"Why would we waste a day?" I asked Astreia as we walked.

"The only safe time to travel through the Lightning Pass is at dusk. If we don't make it to the Crossroads by this evening, it'll mean missing the window of opportunity, and we will have to wait half a day."

"Oh." It was a pitiful response, but I didn't know what else to say. The longer we journeyed together, the more ignorance I revealed.

"So," Astreia said after a stretch of silence. "Are you all right?"

"What do you mean?" I squeaked out.

I'd rather gnaw off my foot than talk about what transpired between me and the prince last night, but I should have known better. Astreia knew what was going to happen last night the moment I refused a place in her tent.

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