Chapter 6- unfaithful humanity Jess (thepercyster)

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Just a slight intro here sorry to intrupt getting to the story. Thank you all so much it's unbelievable that our story has a hundred reads!!!! I mean how can that be we're both just aspiring young authors. Whatever reason you decided to start reading this thank you, this is unbelievable!

-thepercyster & daliawritesbooks


The girl who was talking to Aribella before I sat down seemed suspicious. She had come over to talk to Luke during the brief conversation I listened to, which made sense the two clowns just had to be together. After we had settled into class, I was pondering the idea of asking Aribella what she thought of Megan. It seemed very risky and I was trying to weigh the cons versus the pros. When I just blurted it out,"What do you think of Megan?" I was surprised when she put her book down, and grabed my arm, and pulled me down to the floor. She led me to the corner and said,"This is my usual reading spot usually I push everyone out of this corner it's kinda where I hang. But now this will be our corner, we should be able to say whatever we want here, okay?"

"Sure as long as you feel comfertable , then I am too. Okay wait, wait, wait, that was a real "male population" to do. What I actually mean is, thank you for sharing something so important with me. Now will you please answer my question?"

"Yes I was getting to it, Megan is a total jurk, and like you said earlier, "two clowns belong together" they're like your typical mean, popular, power couple. Today at lunch she came to talk to me and usually she keeps her distance, unless there is something she despreatly needs to talk to me about. So basically whebever there is guy who isn't falling head over heels for her, and the universe is tipped of it's axis."

"Sometimes a little axis tiping is a good things, just take the leaning tower of pisa for example because it's tilted it would just be another Italian city, but because it's tilted pisa is a huge tourist atraction."

"Yes you're right but will you let me finish! She came to talk to me about you. I'm not sure why," sure she didn't know why and I threw a glare at her, "Okay, I'm not 100% sure why, but she said she wanted me to screw off talking and hanging out with you it's probably because you're the only one who can see right through her."

"Honestly the 'male population' is so stupid what kind of girl wears ten gallons of make-up at our age and is trust worthy?"

"Maybe some people are just not as perceptive as others."


Soon after that the bell rang, and we went home no surprises there. I got Aribella's Skype so we could talk more after school. I was just about to walk out the door, when I was cornered by Megan. I didn't want her to think I knew anything, I was going to give her a chance to get out what she needed to say. "Aribella may seem like a nice girl, and all, but I'm the one that you should be talking to and being friends with not her."

"Thank you for the recommendation, but I liked hanging put with her today and I want to keep hanging out with her, if you don't mind."

"Well I do mind I have some informantion I can use against you." I just got her how on earth could she have possibly managed to already have some kind of information to use against me? But she continued,"I personally think it's kind of obvious that youlike Aribella."

"Well I'm afraid you're wrong this time Megan, you see it may come as a shock to you but it's extremly difficylt for a gay boy to have a crush on a girl." I shruged,"I'm sorry that your hypothis was incorrect," and I walked away leaving her stunned.

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