4. Scared And Relieved.

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__ Here's another chapter. Please show your love by voting and commenting. Hope you like this chapter. XOXO___

4. Scared And Relieved

He ran past the car Alicia was in like a gust of wind and overtook them. The surrounding seemed like a flickering image that one sees in an anime. It happened so suddenly that all Alicia saw was a black thing passing by her window as she restlessly sat in the car next to that man who was stealing glances of her.

She was dressed in a black means torn from the knees and a tight white top which ended above her belly button. The blood on her breasts made them more and more noticeable as her chest went up and down.

It was not a lie that she was scared. It was almost the nightfall and here she was with a stranger in his car, driving on a lonely road that ran quiet while the street lights on both the sides highlighted their way further.

She kept telling herself that she was safe. That mysterious guy's threat to this man sat in her head and helped her remain there without showing how freaked out she was. Several bad thoughts ran through her head and the man would not stop looking at her.

Her heart said to confront him and ask him to concentrate on the road ahead when he completely turned his head to her and pointed, "Here take it,you are drenched in sweat." He passed her the box of tissues with a small smile.

Alicia bit her bottom lip and hesitantly accepted the box. She was indeed perspiring like a runner does during a long running race. Her hair was sticking to her neck and jaw. When she swept the back of her hand under her chin, her skin came back wet with sweat beads transferred on her hand from under her chin.

She forced a smile realizing that she misunderstood the man. He was not looking at her out of unethical thoughts but because of her disheveled state. And to relief her further, he smiled and assured, "Don't worry, your friend will be fine."

Her hands wiped away her face and neck. She made sure her actions didn't come out as eye catchy. Alicia kept the used tissue in her back as she looked at her phone. They have been driving for five minutes now and gladly the man had put the car of the last gear, taking her ahead in speed.

She wanted to believe that her friend will be taken to hospital in time but anxiety gripped her since there was no sign of him and his bike behind them. She constantly looked around and through the rear view mirror wishing to catch a glimpse of him and her friend but alas.

"I want apologize. It is not that I didn't want to help. It is just that I was helpless myself. I work as a driver to Doctor Jack Marshall and I am sure you must have read articles about him in newspapers. He is a vile of a man. Wanting to come on his target is the last thing I would want to happen to myself. And this is his favorite car... So I hope, you understand." Alicia softly hummed for an answer.

The man smiled gratefully as he was not mistaken for his words by this girl. He thought she heard him but the truth was that Alicia scarcely listened to what he had to say. All this while she continued to gawk outside the window and look for the red eyed guy and her friend.

She fearfully clasped the end of her bag and gulped hard, "Why don't I see them? Is he even coming with my friend?" She muttered yet not so softly that the man next to her cannot hear it.

"I am sure he is. He would not have asked me to drive you if he was not going to come with your friend." He said in order to keep her spirits intact.

"Nope, I don't see them. I didn't even see his bike. Could it be that... That he-" She gulped the remaining words not wanting to think anything irrational.

Her heart won't rest at peace notwithstanding. Alicia cupped her mouth and gasped. She had not even seem any bike behind him or heard the engine's noise. He was on his feet. She didn't even see when and how he landed there.

It was just that when she opened her eyes, he was already sitting across her.

Stupid her!

She was too scared to suspect him. But now she trembled in fear. Fear of losing her friend. Fear of being wronged. Fear of being blamed.

"I thought he was your friend!" The man's exclamation led her to cast a glance toward him.

Alicia shook her head briefly, "Nope, I don't know him. He just came there out of nowhere."

"Are you sure?" The well dressed man with those suspicious green eyes sounded amazed.

"Yes." She nodded.

"Jesus Christ! And I thought he was your boyfriend and you guys... Shit." He slapped the steering wheel while there Alicia's eyes watered with more and more tears.

She could have easily taken the blame of her death. But How would she deal with the blame of leaving her friend with a guy with puzzling personality behind her with the hope that he would help!

Her breaths stuck in her lungs and she regretted it all. Bloody hell, she was so much scared that she didn't ask the guy about himself or his phone number.

"Ca-can you t-take us back there? Please sir." She asked in a hurry.

The man in the driver's seat gave her a sorry look as he applied the brakes, "I am afraid as it is too late. We are here." Alicia brought her face to look in the front.

They had halted right ahead of the nearest hospital. The gates was open. There was a watchman pacing back and forth as if waiting for someone. She saw other two guards talking among themselves. Despite this all, there was no sign of that guy or her friend.

"Uhh, I suggest you wait for him here. I am sure he would be on his way. It would not be easy to carry a fainted girl on a bike while driving it. So..." She can decipher the meaning behind his words.

He wanted her to step out and let him leave. Alicia had no choice either. She thanked him and came out irrespective of how badly her heart mourned and eyes cried. She needed to let him go as she was not his responsibility. He was not willing to help in the first place so it was useless to request him to take her back.

"Stay positive, dear. He will be here soon." With that, he turned around and left Alicia there.

She was thinking what to do and what not to when the watchman who was at the gate approached her. "Are you the friend of the girl who met with an accident at the road outside the city?" Alicia vigorously shook her head in yes.

"Oh well then, your friend is taken to the operation ward by the doctors. In the mean time, please come with me and fill the forms and other important documents." An overall feeling of wellbeing seeped into her as she hastily followed the guard while her heart thanked the red eyed guy.

So he kept his words and helped them reach to the hospital in time.

That means her friend will be saved.


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