Chapter 1: Candy

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(Mild lemon)

I was in the kitchen going to get me something to drink, but when I looked in the fridge; there was NO Dr. Pepper!

I frowned as I shut the door and was about to leave when I noticed a glass already on the table with something it. I took a quick sip to taste it, 'yay Dr. Pepper,' and gulped it down without a care.

After I was done, I cleaned the glass and proceeded to leave when Deidara burst in with a huge grin and went straight for the table. That grin slowly faded and he knitted his eyebrows in confusion. "I knew I put it here un." He looked in the fridge and just kept looking for something.

He asked, "Have you seen a glass filled with Dr. Pepper un?" "Um, was it the one that was on the table?" His eyes grew wide with shock, "Please tell me you didn't drink it un?" I barely nodded yes. "What's wrong with you? You don't go drinking something that's out in the open like that un!"

"I was thirsty and didn't think about it. Is there something wrong with it?" Deidara made a face, "Well's drugged un." I quickly grabbed his shoulder, "Drugged! Why was it drugged?" He smirked, "I was going to give it to Itachi, just to have some fun with him. Don't worry, it's nothing bad, you'll probably have a case of the giggles."

Now I'm really anxious, "What do you mean probably?" He shrugged, "It's supposed to react to male hormones and well...I'm not sure un." I just sighed and laughed a little nervously, "Oh well, it could be worse. How long until it takes effect?" "Another minute or so un." "K, just keep an eye on me then."

I didn't even make it out the kitchen when I collapsed.

Other POV's

It's a good thing Deidara was right behind her or she would've hurt herself. He wasn't expecting that to happen at all as he tried to help her up. "What's wrong with her?" Deidara glanced at Kisame, "She accidentally drank a drugged drink un." Deidara gently tapped her face, "Come on! Snap out of it un!"

Her eyes fluttered and stared blankly at him. Kisame came over and observed, "What effects does it have on her?" Deidara snapped, "I don't know! I'll explain it to you later un." "No need to be hostile, it was just a simple question." Deidara noticed she was watching with interest and smiling. He looked closer and saw that her eyes were dilated.

He just sighed and started to walk with her towards her room, "I'm going to put her to bed un." Kisame choked back a laugh, "I wouldn't leave her alone in that condition if I were you. She might hurt herself." Deidara rolled his eyes and snapped back, "You don't think I know that un?" He's going to kill Kisame later if he keeps on.

He didn't make it to the room with her when Tobi came out. "Hello Sempai! What's wrong with Olivee? She looks dazed." "I'll explain later Tobi but for now...huh un?" Her eyes grew wide when she saw Tobi and frantically tried to push away from Deidara. Deidara kept holding her, not sure what to do; she was reaching out for Tobi, "I want! I want!"

Tobi tilted his head in confusion, "What she want sempai?" "I think she wants you un?" She got more hostile, "I want lollipop! Give it!" Tobi looked behind him to see if she was talking to someone else. Deidara actually let go of her with smirk, he couldn't help it.

She grabbed Tobi and hugged him, "Mmmm, mine. My lollipop." Poor Tobi was confused at hell. She leaned up and started to lick his mask murmuring, "Lolli..pop." Deidara burst out laughing and leaned against the wall clutching his stomach. His loud laughter caught Kisame's attention and he came into the hall.

He smirked at he saw, "What's she doing to Tobi's mask?" Tobi didn't push her away and just shrugged, "Olivee thinks Tobi's a lollipop." Kisame joined Deidara in the laughter. It took a few more minutes, but she finally stopped with a frown, "It no taste good. No fair!" Deidara wiped away a few tears, "She's talking like Tobi now un!"

Tobi got an idea and grinned evilly, but the others didn't notice, they were too busy laughing. "Olivee?" She was still hugging him with that cute pout, "Hmmm?" "Does Olivee want a tasty lollipop?' She grinned and nodded quickly. "Tobi show you where a real good one is." He led her by the hand to their room and shut the door.

Tobi can me manipulative when he wants to be. He sat on his bed, "You really want it?" She impatiently bounced up and down, "I want lollipop!" He leaned back a little and pointed at the front of his pants, "If Olivee wants it, Olivee has to go get it." She knitted her eyebrows in confusion, "It's in there?"

He nodded and she actually started unzipping his pants. When she pulled it out she pouted again, "Don't look like lollipop." Tobi thought she looked so adorable when she pouted; she needs to do that more often. "This one's special Olivee. It'll change shape then give you surprise in end if Olivee good girl."

She grinned, "I'm good girl!" "Tobi knows Olivee is." She grinned again and quickly stuck it in her mouth. Tobi grunted in surprise and watched her cute little mouth sucking his 'lollipop.' It quickly grew hard in her mouth and he noticed her getting more excited. She stopped for a second, "It DID change shape!"

He just nodded and guided her head back down. Tobi started to pant and moan from the pleasure he was receiving. A particular loud groan came up when she starting nibbling on his throbbing erection. "Olivee!" He played with her hair and tried not to buck his hips up and choke her.

He muttered, "Suck harder Olivee." She complied and sent Tobi almost over the edge already; her teeth kept grazing against his cock. It felt so good; he couldn't stop himself from bucking his hips up uncontrollably into her mouth. He heard her gag a few times but she didn't stop.

He kept moaning loudly and felt his orgasm about to pop, "Olivee! Get ready for surprise!" He felt her smirk and ended up rolling his eyes back when he came in her mouth. Her eyes grew wide with surprise but Tobi kept her head down.

She whimpered a little but ended up swallowing the cum. After riding out his orgasm, Tobi came back to reality and let her go, "Tobi sorry Olivee!" She just stared at him and wiped her mouth, "That was fun! Why you sorry?" Tobi couldn't believe what he just heard; he thought she'd be mad that he made her swallow something icky...or whatever she'd say.

Tobi just giggled and she joined in not knowing what was so funny. Tobi grabbed her hand and led her out their room, "Just don't tell Kakuzu or Hidan about the special lollipop, they'll get mad." She nodded, not hearing a word he said when she spotted Kisame.

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