chapter twelve | finally

838 43 26

• requested by @gomen_7122
• TW: par3nts

"Ahem— Dad, Yayoi, I actually have to tell you something.."

Uenoyama stirred slightly, pinching the skin on his wrist. 

"What is it, Ue? Please hurry up, I have to go to a meeting after this," Mr. Uenoyama spoke, pinching up his glasses with his ring finger. 

The air was slightly uncomfortable, and Yayoi could feel the stress radiating from Uenoyama. 

She played with her short hair, (newly cut), as she tried to get rid of the tension. 

"What's up, Ue?" She called. 

"Um.. I don't know how to tell you this but.." he started. 

Mr. Uenoyama checked his watch anxiously, then looked up at Uenoyama with subtle interest. "What is it, son?"

"I'm gay," he blurted, slapping a hand to his mouth as he tried to calm himself. The corners of his eyes pinched as his eyes started to water. 

"Oh, that's all?" Yayoi said, amused. 


"I thought we already knew that," she said simply, trying to hide a cheeky grin. 

"Yayoi, I—"

"Your sister's right, Ue, I thought we already knew that? Anyways, that's totally okay with us."

Uenoyama felt like he was about to burst as he launched himself into his father's arms. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He exclaimed. 

His father chuckled, "Now now, don't get my suit dirty."

"Right, sorry Dad," he paused for a bit, "By the way, I have a boyfriend."

"Oh my god," Yayoi gasped. "You have a boyfriend? And I don't? This isn't fair," she grumbled. 

Uenoyama snickered, and then looked to his dad for a response. 

"That's okay with me, but I'd like to meet whoever has stolen your heart."

Uenoyama grinned widely, agreeing, then rushing to his room after a quick hug from his sister. 

"Hello? Mafu?"

"Ue? Why do you sound so happy?"

"My family accepts me! And they want to meet you!"

"Oh, that's great! I can come over for dinner tomorrow, if they're free!"

"Yeah, that works!"

Mafuyu clapped his hands from across the line, as he started rambling on about his day. 

His father listened from the other side of the door, hearing Uenoyama's fond replies, as he heads out for his meeting. 

"I'm so glad he found someone," he said promptly, then hurried out of the house.

sorry this is pretty short. this will probably be one of the last oneshots, so if you have any requests, please comment soon. thank you for all the votes and reads! honestly, i'm losing interest in this fic so i want to close it off soon, so i can make room for others. have a great day!

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