actual chapter thirteen - ghost (haha get it)

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• tw// homophobia (not really)


"It's really been a year, huh."

"Yep, I guess it has."

Uenoyama and Mafuyu stood again at the spot it had all started, uprighting the spiral of confusion Uenoyama had found his way into.

There they were, standing at Yokohomo Minato Mirai, in front of those beautiful waves that had captured the both of them.

Maybe it was the memories at said place, or maybe it was the way it glistened as if nothing could change it, no matter what happened in the world. Possibly both.

"I still remember how you blanked out for like 5 minutes. Speaking of which, what happened?"

"Um— Oh look! It's a shop."

"Really? Wow! I've never seen a shop in my entire life!"

"Shut up."

"Okay Ue, I'll pretend like I can't tell your obvious excuse to divert from the topic."

"See, this is why I love you."

"Really now?"

"Well, not really. Wait, no, Mafu, I'm sorry."

"No, now you have to make it up to me."

"Of course of course, c'mon, let's go to that chocolate shop."

Mafuyu playfully flicked Uenoyama's head, to which he cried, "Ow!"

In response, Mafuyu ignored him and started fawning over a toy that looked similar to Tama.

"Ue, Ue, look!" He said excitedly, pointing towards the plush, "Doesn't it look just like Tama?"

"Ye—" Uenoyama made to answer, as someone random snickered and said, "That's a dog, you're talking about a cat."

"What? No, I—"

"His name is Kedama, actually." Uenoyama said coldly, following the stranger's gaze to their intertwined hands.

His eyes narrowed as the man looked back at them in disgust.

"What are you two doing?" The stranger said, tucking his hands into his pockets.

He had sharp green eyes and blond hair, and he looked slightly familiar to Mafuyu.

"Are you blind? We're holding hands." Uenoyama said, as Mafuyu just surveyed him, looking a bit lost.

"Don't act smart, I can see that. Just, why?"

"Why not?"

"Ugh, you guys are just disgusting."

"Why, cause we're happy?"

"No, cause you're gay."

"You look pretty gay yourself."

The guy opened his mouth but stopped when he heard another voice.

"Ash! What are you doing? I thought you said you were done with acting homophobic!" A young man called, running over with popcorn in his hand. He looked about 13, but judging his style and the credit card in his other hand, he was probably 19-20.

And then the blonde started laughing, bending over to catch his breath.

"Eiji come on, their reactions were so funny. This guy was like 'you look pretty gay yourself' like, I'm bi, but I'm not that obvious!"

"You kinda are," the guy called 'Eiji' said, smiling widely. "Sorry about that, Ash has a tendency to try to act homophobic to see people's reactions. Of course, if he went to far, he'd just tell you guys, but yeah."

"Oh, it's no problem!" Mafuyu said, looking at Eiji, who had big black eyes.

Uenoyama just stood there awkwardly.

"Well, I guess we should go now. Have fun, guys! Sorry about Ash, again."

"Hey, I'm not bad!"

"Yeah, tell that to Shorter's hair."

"It looks better now."

"You shaved his hair."

"It looks better though."

"Oh shut up. Anyways, have a nice time!" Eiji said, turning back to them.

"Yep, goodbye!" Mafuyu responded. "Ue, are you good?"

"What, yeah. Why?"

"You look like you just saw a ghost."

get it guys 😟

"I'm just... very confused."

Mafuyu laughed, and picked up the plush to ask the staff for the price.

"Happy anniversary, Ue."

"You too..?"

"Why was that a question?"

"I don't know, I feel like I've seen those two guys before."

"Honestly, same, but let's not think on it too much."

"Alright. Happy anniversary then, Mafuyu."


"You're supposed to say it back."

"I already said it before." He said, thanking the employee and handing some yen.

After a quick minute, Mafuyu and Uenoyama were leaning on the railing, Mafuyu playing with the plush while Uenoyama just stared wondrously.

"I wonder what I did to deserve you." He said.


"Wait! I think I remember where I've seen those guys!"

"Really? Where?"

"I think at—"

I wrote ash and eiji in this completely on impulse and I don't know why. also have you guys heard about the 25TH episode of banana fish? I'm so excited.

Also, I know I promised to update 2 days ago but I was still having trouble with writers block, so here it is, finally!!

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