Chapter 2: New Beginnings

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It had been a few days since your 'discussion' with Hatsume and the two of you hadn't spoken to one another. You hadn't spoken because you were wrapped up in your world, wondering if you should use it or not, and she was silent because it gave her time to think if she overstepped a line.

Kaminari had come back a day ago and instead of being met with warm hugs and laughter, he was greeted with cold silence and curt nods. He originally assumed it was due to midterms coming in 2 months but then realised that Hatsume always aced tests and never worried about them, and you only began panic studying a week before.

Some further investigation led to him realising that you were in deep thought and doing everything mechanically while Hatsume was just giving you space. In the 3 years he's known you two, he had never seen you stop talking to each other. The other students didn't know either and were deemed useless by the electricity wielder.

"Shirakumo-San, come to the board and do the problem. You're dreaming off too frequently," the maths teacher scolded you as you dazed away for the 5th time that lesson.

"Yes sir," you looked at the quadratic equation on the board before proceeding to use the quadratic formula. "x=5 or x= -3.25" you finished.

"Good. Minimise the dreaming though," the teacher nodded.

By the time school ended, you had barely uttered a word to anyone.

"Y/N-chan! I need help with equations. How do you do that formula?" Denki asked you.

"Well the quadratic equation is structured ax² + bx + c = 0 so the formula is just basic substitution," you shrugged.

"Easy for you to say, I can't even remember it! I'll ask Mei-Chan!" He whined.

"Since when were you two on first name basis?" You asked, slightly jealous.

"Huh? Since a couple days ago," he answered. It wasn't true, but what you didn't know couldn't hurt you.

"Oh..." you mumbled. You and Hatsume had been friends since you were 6 and the 'nickname' just stuck with her. You honestly found it cuter than just calling her Mei.

"Hey Kaminari-kun, Y/N-chan," she walked up to where you two were talking.

"About that first name basis. That didn't stick too long now did it," you smirked at the blonde, glad that only you called her by her given name.

"Y/N-chan don't kill me!" He trembled.

"I'm not going to you dingus. Why'd you say that though?" You asked.
"I had to see your reaction," he shrugged.

"What first name basis are we talking about? I'm only on that with Y/N-chan," Hatsume asked.

"Well you see, your girlfriend-" Kaminari began.

"Girl friend. With a space. Called the friend zone," you glared at the pikachu.

"Anyways, Y/N here got jealous that I called you by your first name," he explained. Hatsume just nodded, however the confusion was evident in her eyes.

"10 more months until high school, 10 more until the exam! How prepped do you think you guys are?" You asked, changing the subject.

"I heard it's robots for the hero course so it'll be easy to destroy them. Not short circuiting will be a problem though," Denki muttered.

"Support exam happens a day after yours, when hero course scores have been evaluated. Apparently we need to design a model in which the teachers can record the announcements and send it," Hatsume explained. (IT ISN'T CANON, I MADE IT UP)

"Sounds cool, I'm sure you'll do great!" Kaminari grinned.

"I'm most worried about the written test. Is it going to be GK or hero knowledge?" You pondered.

"Your knowledge in both is really wide though, you'll ace it!" Hatsume convinced you.

The days passed in such a manner with you three spending time less frequently as you prepared for finals and entrance exams. Before you knew it, it was already March and the day of the exam had arrived.

It was early morning and you met up with Denki, since he would be taking the test with you, and took the bullet train to U.A. You arrived a couple minutes early but even then, the auditorium was nearly filled to the brim. Avoiding any human contact, you took your seats and waited for the orientation to begin.

"EVERYBODY SAY HEY!" Mic yelled, starting his speech.

"Cockatoo seems to have forgotten that this isn't his 9 AM radio show," you muttered, making Kaminari snicker.

After the speech, a bunch of complaints, exam briefing and a stuck up idiot interrupting, you made your way to the battle centre you were assigned.

"You're in C?" Kaminari asked.

"Yep. Good luck Denks, do well ok?" You smiled softly at him and gave him a brief hug.

"You can count on me! You better make it into U.A, I'll be waiting to be your desk buddy," he grinned in response.

"Me too," you smiled before running to the bus. You were seated next to a dark haired girl with strange earlobes who was playing on her phone.

"Hey. What's your name?" She asked.

"Oh Y/N Shirakumo. You?" You responded.

"Kyoka Jirou," she said.

"Nice to meet ya. What's your quirk? Is it the ear thing?" You pointed at her ears.

"Earphone Jack. I can plug these in and listen or plug them into amplifiers to release my heartbeat," she explained, twirling them around. "Yours?"

"My quirk is... let's call it weather for now. I don't know the name," you said before explaining.

Y/N Shirakumo:
Age: 15
Application: student
Quirk: weather
User can create clouds
and control them. They
can control all the weather
phases it goes through and
manipulate the wind a bit.
Power: 5, A
Intelligence: 4.7 B+
Quirk control: 4, B
Technique: 6, S
Cooperation: 4, B
Overall: 4.5, B+


Wow. That's really cool," Jirou awed.

"Thanks. Oh we're here. Good luck Jirou, I hope you get in!" You grinned at her before getting ready. From this moment onwards, you were ready to fight with all your power.

M. Hatsume X F! Reader: The Devil in Pink (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now