Chapter 39: true leadership

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You were right, something was off. What exactly, only came to your realisation a couple seconds later after a huge explosion.

Gang Orca and his sidekicks marched up front, playing the villain role.

"That's right, there'll still be villains after a terrorist attack," Midoriya realised.

"Everyone with rescue quirks, take shifts and take care of them. Offence quirk users, let's stop the aftershock!" You instantly decided, splitting the teams for most efficient battle.

Midoriya and Shindo stayed behind to do some damage from a distance, while Todoroki, Yoarashi and you charged right in to distract the non-villain-villain.

"Do either of you have a plan?" You asked, annoyed with their childish behaviour towards each other.

They only gave you blank stares at that.

You sighed at their reaction.

"Stay close to the ground, I'll go in from above. We need to keep him as far away from the disaster zone as possible," you groaned.

With that, you pushed yourself off the ground and flew in front of them.

You already knew that he'd most likely try to paralyze you with his screech, so you'd trapped yourself in an air bubble beforehand in the hope that the waves would go around it.

The other two were much further behind you by now, meaning the total offensive power was weak. You could take out the hero, though that'd be considered murder, and you didn't need a criminal record now.

So instead, you distracted him and his goons, dragging them farther away from the urban area.

"So, Orca, you're a respectful villain aren't you? You've got two more victims incoming, how bout we wait for them over a cup of tea?" You asked.

"Maybe I can kill you in front of them as well while we're at it," he grumbled. "No! We're not waiting you pathetic shrimp! Get down here and fight me!"

Reluctantly, you got down from your wind stream.

"Alright," you sighed, smirking. "I give up."

Todoroki and Yoarashi had arrived to see you with both hands up, accepting defeat. While the wind user may not know you well, both instantly knew something was going on.


Shirakumo Y/N never accepts defeat. In fact, she taunts her opponents with pure words until they lose all motivation to fight.

So what the hell were you doing?

You had a plan, that much was clear, but no one knew what it was.

"Giving up means you lose your chance at getting a license, you know that right?" Orca made sure.

"I'm 100% sure," you grinned, only to trip him up over with pure wind strength. You smirked at the sight, seeing the giant Orca scramble up instantly as he realised what happened.

"I'll be a good student, you get to land first hit," you suggested, staying on guard for his sound wave.

Just as you predicted, he started with his paralyzing screech. What all three of them failed to notice was that you weren't standing on the ground, but floating a couple centimetres above it. With your air bubble enveloping you completely, you dodged the attack, letting only a little section graze the sonar wave.

With that, you flew closer to your opponent to engage in combat.

When he stood in stance expecting you to land a hit, you shocked him by vaulting past him and sparring with his sidekicks instead.

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