Chapter 14: one collective dead brain cell indeed

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Your match with Iida was comical to say the least. It happened like in those cartoons where the opponents charged and all you had to do was step to the side. Within 5 seconds, most of the audience was chuckling and Iida was basically punching the ground in disappointment.

"Iida is out of bounds! Shirakumo advances to the next round!" Midnight announced, trying to hold back smiles herself.

Iida left without a word and you followed suite, eager to see the next duel. Bakugo and his anger issues wouldn't bode well for Todoroki's reluctance to use his left side. Although now that Midoriya lit a spark in the bi-coloured boy, maybe he might win against Bakugo.

As expected, Todoroki began with his large ice attack which encased Bakugo completely, who just worked his way out like a mole. A very angry, annoyed mole.

The two were almost evenly matched with the amount of attacks and speed of attacks they were exchanging. Bakugo was the one mainly attacking, and Todoroki tried to stay on the defense while adding in his fair share of ice waves.

Bakugo kept egging Todoroki on to use his flames and when a flicker finally went off, the explosive teen propelled towards him like a tornado. Todoroki extinguished his flames almost immediately, either out of fear or out of the fact that he finally made eye contact with his father, but the impact that Bakugo made when he finally landed was so huge that it knocked the dual haired boy out of the arena and completely unconscious.

It was clear he wasn't satisfied with the win but he managed to control himself slightly, knowing that he would just have to wring you out completely.
To say that you were terrified would be an understatement. You saw Bakugo before he was aggressive, and he was clearly holding back on pummeling Todoroki to the ground, even though the half-and-half boy was unconscious. If that wasn't his maximum, you were screwed over a million times.

You had speed, reaction and a powerful quirk, you had everything you needed to win, but it would all come down to the timing. One wrong move and you could kill the thousands of people situated in the stadium, the thousands of pro heroes analysing your every step. One wrong move and you could kill all your classmates and be branded a villain for the rest of eternity. Timing was life and death.

You sighed and stood up to prepare for your match, warm up and stretch one last time. You also drank a lot of water, as much as you possibly could handle, because God knows how long the match will go on for.

"You're nervous again," you heard a familiar voice interrupt your stretching.

"Fantastic observation Mei, I hadn't realised yet," you glared at her. It wasn't based off spite or anything, just pure stress getting to you. Then she did something unexpected.

The bubblegum pink haired girl sighed and walked over to you and reached for your shoulders and slowly massaged them.

"Look, I know you're nervous, I'd be too, but you're the strongest person I know. Smartest person I know even, and I'm confident that you can do this. If you lose, it's fine. Heroes will still scout you and you'll still be in the top 3 of the U.A first years," she whispered to you, as if it were a secret between the two of you only.

"I appreciate the effort, but I still overthink. Do you have anything to take my mind off the festival as a whole?" You asked, getting desperate.

"Ooh definitely! I just found a really tense muscle here and that got me thinking, what if I updated your costume so that it would minimize cramps and muscle injuries? Do you think that's possible? I'd need a lot of material and blueprints but-" Hatsume rambled, only to be interrupted.

"Now for the final match of the day: Y/N Shirakumo, Class 1-A's most powerful girl vs. the explosive demon, also representing 1-A, Katsuki Bakugo!" Present Mic announced and you made your way out of the room into the arena.

"Ready? Fight!" Midnight announced.

"Let's end this quickly, yeah?" Bakugo grunted.

He charged at you with a large explosion, one you deflected immediately.

"Hah? Why are you still standing there, that should've been strong enough to knock you out!" Bakugo exclaimed.

"I'm simply immortal, Bakugo-kun, don't you see?" you teased.

"What did you say? I'll kill you!" He seethed, setting off another explosion in your direction. You stood, unfazed from it all. In fact, you were smirking at him, trying to infuriate him.

"Didn't you learn from your mistakes? That doesn't work on me," you chuckled at his feeble attempt, but were answered to with laughter.

"So we're getting serious now then, Shirakumo-San?" He smirked, psychotically.

He then ran at you, setting off more and more explosions in an attempt to push you out of bounds. However, you dodged them all cleanly. Similar to what happened with Uraraka's fight, both of you began receiving hecklers from the crowd.

"How many times do I have to say this? Both of them know the other's capabilities, their strengths and weaknesses. They know what to do to win and how to exploit the other's flaws, and if you can't see the plan unfolding, you're unqualified," Eraserhead groaned.

Just as your teacher finished his speech, you released the move you'd been holding. Nitroglycerin clouds wouldn't rain, but when diffused they could make strong enough smoke. You released a good 50 clouds in the arena, blocking everyone's view, while using thunder as a distraction. Using your wind, you pushed Bakugo out and cleared all the smoke.

"Hey Bakugo-kun? You're- you're out of bounds," you pointed out shakily. The move had taken a lot of energy and your hands were raw, partially bleeding in some areas.

"Bakugo is out of bounds! Shirakumo is the winner of this year's sports festival!" Midnight announced, just as you promptly fainted.

"What! No! You fainted, come back and fight me! I won't accept this!" Bakugo yelled, grabbing your shoulder in a feeble attempt to wake you up. However, he himself, was put to sleep by Midnight's sleeping gas.

Hatsume rushed to your side as soon as the victory was declared, followed by Denki and Kirishima. Kirishima took care of Bakugo and Hatsume carried you to the infirmary. Denki just followed the duo, mildly panicking on the inside.

And boy was recovery girl disappointed at the state of both you and Bakugo. In her words, you two were 'reckless idiots with one collective dead brain cell belonging to a monkey.'

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