Chapter 55: Freedom

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A lady walked into a crowded bar one night, making a beeline straight for the bartender.

The bartender seemed to recognise her and instantly made a drink for her.

It seemed vaguely familiar, though you couldn't place how you knew it.

"You've got to get over her, you know?" The bartender commented, cleaning a glass.

The lady looked up from her untouched drink, meeting his eyes.

"You've got the same eyes she has," she mumbled quietly, before leaving.

You watched, confused at the scene. The lady brushed past you, and that's when you noticed.

She had the same e/c eyes you had. Her's were sadder, lacked the spirit yours had, while yours were free and curious.

You walked over to the bartender, hoping he knew something, but before you could even take a step, you fell back into the real world, fully conscious.


You woke up with a pounding headache and instantly reached for your water bottle.

It was a strange dream you'd had, though you still didn't know what it meant.

You looked out your window to see that it was still dark outside. Taking one last sip from your water, you went downstairs, hoping you could catch a bit of air before you went back to sleep.

"Shirakumo-San?" Midoriya mumbled sleepily.

"Midoriya-Kun?" You asked, surprised to see the greenette awake. "Tea?"

"No thank you. Why are you up?" He asked, taking a seat at the dining table.

The room was dimly lit, the only light being the one that flooded in from the kitchen.

"I could ask you the same," you countered, avoiding the question as you poured yourself some tea.

"Strange dream," he confessed, clasping his hands together.

You raised an eyebrow, beckoning for him to explain, though he left it at that.

Deciding to not invade, you changed the topic.

"How's your quirk coming along? I know you improved a lot," you asked.

"Yeah but I'm still not strong enough. I could've saved-" he began, though stopped himself.

"His death and Mirio's quirk loss couldn't have been stopped. We'll be great heroes in the future, yeah? Save everyone we can," you smiled at him, to which he agreed.

"Oh, Aizawa-Sensei told me we're going to see Eri today," he remembered.

The thought of seeing the young girl genuinely made you happy. She'd been through so much, you just wanted to reassure her that everything would become better from now on.

Until you remembered a piece of detail yourself.

"I've got an appointment with RG this morning to get my stitches checked and hopefully removed. I'll try and come there if I still can," you promised him.

"You're close with Recovery Girl, aren't you?" He asked.

You sat quietly, sipping your tea as you thought about how to answer the question.

"Yeah. You could say that," you nodded slowly. "It's almost 3, she'll kill me for not getting my 8 hours. I'm off to bed, I suggest you do the same."

M. Hatsume X F! Reader: The Devil in Pink (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now