Chapter 53: a life cut short

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You weren't happy at all when the trip to the dorms was delayed due to inquiries. The officers were nosy, trying to get information they didn't even need.

"Yes, I jumped in to save the girl's life," you sighed, exasperated.

"Over here it says that you used to be a sidekick. Shouldn't you have been taking care of the agency?"

"Listen, officer, I was a sidekick to Eraserhead. We don't have an agency, we work underground. Not to mention, this was part of my work study. So how bout you find a brain in there before asking me questions that you could answer yourself," you snarled at him.

"You've had a long day," the officer sighed, placing your files away in a secured cabinet. "Go home and get some rest, thank you for cooperating."

When you met up with your friends, you found out that they were also asked extremely invasive questions.

Uraraka was asked to describe Nighteye's rescue in detail, Tsu was asked to explain why Nighteye didn't survive, Midoriya had to explain why a squad member lost his quirk, and Kirishima had to explain where he went for the half an hour he went off the grid.

"What'd they ask you?" Tsu asked.

"Family history," you said, before explaining a bit further. "They've got some evidence to an old case with my family that related to this one. They wanted all the information."

"I know this may be invasive, kero," Tsu began. "But may we know the case?"

You shook your head, not wanting to tell them.

"Don't get me wrong, I trust you with my life, I'm just not in the right mental state to tell you guys," you explained shortly, making eye contact with Midoriya.

The greenette's eyes widened, though he subtly nodded anyways.

The five of you decided to walk home, seeing as that would take less time than the bullet train.

When you got to the dorms, you were met with a flood of excited classmates.

Denki and Mina instantly rushed in to hug you and Kirishima, though you dodged it, not wanting to worsen your already bad injury.

"Y/N-Chan, you're covered in bandages!" The duo exclaimed, worried as you showed up with only a jacket draped around your shoulders.

"It's not as bad as it looks, promise!" You shook your head frantically, not wanting to worry them. "I just got a few stitches and I'm not allowed to train or get off crutches until this is fully healed and I get my stitches removed. Not bad, see?"

Just as you finished that sentence, you received a swift slap to the back of your head, followed by a loose hug.

"You really need to get your definitions of good and bad sorted out," a bubblegum pink haired girl commented, resting her chin on your shoulder.

You smiled, leaning back slightly and melting into the embrace.

Then a flurry of questions were asked from all directions as the common room grew even louder.

"Everyone stop!" Iida yelled. "They've been through a lot, they need space. We can ask questions in the morning, when we're all well rested."

"Iida-kun, it's fine," Midoriya reassured him.

"Oh, well in that case," Iida shrugged and vigorously shook Midoriya's shoulders, lecturing him about his safety.

You smiled at the sight but headed to your dorm room, not having the energy to be around the class.

"Oi," you heard a voice call you.

"Yeah?" You turned around, raising an eyebrow at Bakugo.

"Go there. They all thought you died, at least convince them you're still alive," he advised.

"Yet you're going to sleep?" You asked.

The boy visibly flinched, causing you to realise you'd stepped on a sensitive topic.

"Yes. I've got classes tomorrow," he grumbled. "Talk to Dunce Face, he was the most terrified out of them all."

"Yeah, I will," you promised him.

"Y/N-chan!" Mina called you. "Are you going to sleep already?"

You thought over what Bakugo said before making your decision.

"I'll stay for a bit and then go to bed," you decided, limping over.

The rest of the night was pretty fun as all of you simply lounged on the couch and talked.

However, it wasn't too long before the interns wanted to go to sleep.

"I'm heading to bed as well," you nodded, getting up and limping over to the stairs. "God fucking damn it, why doesn't this institute have a fucking elevator?"

You sighed and used your quirk, slowly so that you wouldn't have to bend too much.

Before you could struggle any longer, Denki came up from behind you and picked you up.

"This is faster, let's go," he shrugged, taking you to your dorm.

Your dorm was the usual mess, nothing had changed since the last time you were there. You brought the cloud bed, which was usually much higher, closer to the ground so that you could easily sleep on it.

When you looked up to bring it down, you noticed one major change.

You dorm room ceilings, which used to be white, were now covered in beautiful starry tapestry.

"Did Mei make that?" You asked.

"Yep. She even made it so that it's accurate from your standpoint. You can see meteors from inside now," Denki grinned, explaining the functions of it.

"God I love her," you whispered, smiling as you admired the tapestry.

Then you remembered something.

You weren't sure how you'd start the conversation, considering it was an awkward topic, but you couldn't brush over it as well.

Kaminari was someone who'd hide his emotions with a smile, until it killed him inside and he burst. But even then, he'd never cry in front of someone.

You simply wrapped your arms around the boy and pulled him into a tight embrace, hoping that he'd get the gist.

He pulled you closer as well, and for the first time, you felt tears trickling down his cheeks.

"I'm so fucking glad you're alive," he choked out. "I thought you'd die."

That's one of the worst things about being a hero.

Even if the prospect of saving people, becoming number one, isn't large enough to make it out alive, the need to come back home to friends and family will always keep them fighting.

It's why even when heroes die, they only die after they can't fight anymore.

After they've given it their all.

"Sorry for scaring you," you apologised.

"It's ok," he sniffled lightly, rubbing his eyes before smiling at you. "Glad you're safe."

"Denks don't fake a smile. Besides, you'll be in this situation as well. We're heroes, we'll sacrifice ourselves, maybe die, hopefully come back alive," you sighed.

"Yeah, I guess," he agreed. "Sleep well, I'm gonna go back down."

You nodded sadly as you watched your friend go downstairs, a smile on his face already.

It'd only be so long before he killed himself from the inside.

That would be one death you could never learn how to handle.

Question of the day: how many languages do you guys speak (what languages, if you're comfortable)?

We're coming close to the school festival arc, thoughts on what role Y/N should play in the concert?

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