17| red neon lights

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"Okay, I'll get some people to move your belongings into my room tonight," Elio mumbled into my neck. "Now I need to go check on something, so don't go anywhere okay?" He winked and sat me down on the ottoman beside me. It's not as if I could go anywhere, and he knew that. I stuck my tongue out at him as he left the room and he just walked off chuckling to himself. 

I angled the mirror to face me so I could admire my appearance as I combed through my tousled hair with my fingers, gently tugging down at my sage-green buttoned-up crop top and tying up my comfy black joggers so they sat perfectly around my waist. 

After a while, Elio had returned, laughing at the sight of me laying on the floor. "I've fallen and I can't get up," I replied, defeated. 

"Why are you so disobedient, Gianna?" Elio tutted. 

"I just wanted to try and stand up, okay?" I scoffed in return, looking up at him. 

"I reckon you're going to have to get used to not walking, sweetheart," Elio said with another cheeky wink, looking down at me deviously. "Come on, we need to pack," He added, picking me up bridal style.

"Pack? Pack for what?" I questioned Elio curiously, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"We're taking a trip," He replied simply. 

"Where to, who's we, and why are we up at 7 o'clock in the morning?" I asked persistently, leaning my head onto his shoulder as we made our way into the wardrobe in my old room. 

Elio gently put me down onto a large set of chest of drawers and started to put some of my clothes into a large black suitcase, muttering to himself slightly and ignoring my questions. 

"Is everything okay 'Lio?" I inquired, tilting my head to the side slightly. 

"Of course it is love, just packing based on the weather over there." Elio smiled. 

"Why can't I know where we're going?" I pondered.

"It's a surprise, Gianna."

"Can you at least answer my last two questions?" I asked again, twiddling with our ring. 

"We as in us, Zino, Gaea, Maya, and Angelo," He continued, as though nothing. "And the reason we're up so early is that it's a long flight, Zino is a slow-ass motherfucker and we needed to make sure everything was okay for Gaea." Elio was now rummaging through my underwear draw pulling out one-pieces and two pieces, smirking slightly at the sight of them and putting them in the suitcase along with the other clothes. I rolled my eyes at him, once he had turned around so he couldn't see.

After Elio had finished packing my bag for me, he put me on his back and dragged the suitcase behind us, handing it to Angelo when we had eventually reached the bottom of the white marble stairs. Not that I'd admit it out loud but I began to get really worried when we reached the stairs, I started hoping that Elio would put me down and assist me rather than carrying me down - not that I'm complaining or anything, I just really didn't want to fall, I could only imagine how painful that would be. 

"Are you okay Gianna?" Zino asked concerned as Elio helped me off of his back. "What's wrong?" 

"She sat on my face last night-"

"Just some period cramps-" We said in unison. "Elio," I yelled abruptly, slapping his shoulders. 

"How about you think before you start talking about anything s-e-x related," Zino spelled out, covering Gaea's ears. 

"Dad, what's sex?" Gaea asked, prying Zino's hands away from her ears. 

"Uhh, um," Zino got flustered, "Maya!" He called.

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