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Fluttering overhead against the patchy skyline of the city’s open plain were birds. Several of them; with a spray of bees, all piping and buzzing in joyous harmony, whileas they swayed along with the windy breezy music of the gentle breeze blowing.
Like most summery afternoon of the Western Asia state, the clime was dry and remarkably hot, with the sun frowning down on all things beneath from its heights.
Before long, the tranquility lingering in the air was at once replaced with wild flurry, as birds and bees once hovering in the blue secoon0ds ago, cleared out with no explicit reason whatsoever. 

The united states military installation spanned about two acres over the Southern landmass of war-riddled Raqqa—a city located on the Northern bank of the Euphrates river, Syria. After the assault launched by the SDF {Syrian Democratic Forces}, and its US-led coalition forces in reclaiming the city, which was once in the grabby hold of ISIL. The United States had taken it upon herself to start many of her military expedition on Syrian soil, citing the need for a military stronghold in advent of any hostile offensive in her defense, and thus, bringing to fruition what they now called ‘fort Euphrates  “freedom     ’“ .
Even as the sun burns flamy red, its fierce intensity was no hindrances to activities above ground, as soldiers clad in fatigues swarming the domain of the fort went about their routines. While some factions were embroiled in drills, some played paintball, basketball and other games at different corners of the ground.
Overhead, a missile angled its way into sight with a vroom, catching all lives on site off-guard. Soon came its fatal drop; swift and straight to the heart. All that was left afterward was the heartrending sight of its backwash, and a mushroom cloud towering high into the blue.   

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