Chapter Two

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Though both Ryan and Abby were a few miles away, we were practically neighbors.

We all hopped on the same bus and made ourselves comfortable, planning out the things we were going to do.

Since there's only two to a seat, we always switch off for our bus buddies. One person will always have a seat to themselves, which can either be good or bad, and it usually works out.

I was the lucky person to get a seat to myself. Abby always has the window seat, so Ryan was closest to me. I spread out in the seat and put my arms behind my head, leaning against the window in a comfy position. I crossed one leg over the other and, since I'm so short compared to everyone else, my feet didn't hang over in the isle.

Yeah, it's true, I'm short. I kind of like it that way, though. There are some certain advantages we midgets get.

Ryan, after the three classes that followed lunch, had finally cooled down. He is in a much better mood than he was at lunch. Not the happiest kid on the block, but he still was close to normal. Abby was listening to music on her iPod with the little ear buds in, so I struck up a conversation with Ryan.

"So, how's it going?" I asked lamely.

He looked up at me, as if shocked by the sudden voice. "Uh, it's goin'."

I smirked at him. "Were you off in la la land?" I paused. "Dreaming about Jacey?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows at him. He dragged me into that whole mess, so why not tease him?

He scowled. "Nah, I'm over her."

I tried to hold back my laugh, but I failed miserably.

"What?" He asked defensively. "It's true!" He crossed his arms like a little kid would when they're upset.

I was still snickering. "You've been crushing on this girl for over a year and..." I stopped to think. "Not even two hours later, you're already over her? Yeah right. I think you're crushed and are mad at her."

He pouted and looked the other way, which happened to be at Abby. "So what?" He muttered just as Abby took out an ear bud and looked at us.

"Did I miss something?" She asked, curious.

"Nah," I waved my hand to dismiss her. "Keep listening to your music. There's nothing interesting here."

She shrugged and went back to her music.

Ryan seemed generally upset, and I felt bad.

"Hey I wasn't making fun of you or anything. It was just kind of funny how upset you got over this whole deal. It's not that bad being single. I mean c'mon," I winked at him. "I'm fine aren't I?" 

The corner of his mouth twitched, he was almost smiling.

"Ah!" I pointed at him. "Is that a smile I see? You're smiling, I know you are!" I called him out loudly, making him grin.

"See? See! You're smiling!"

"Shut up," he laughed. "Only because you're so deprived."

"Deprived? How?"

He looked me in the eye like this was serious business. "You know how."

I threw my arms up, exasperated. "I'm not deprived! I couldn't have a relationship even if I wanted to." I said, not wanting to continue this conversation. I crossed my arms and slumped back into the seat. "I only mentioned it to cheer you up, not to earn another lecture."

He put his hands up in defense. "Hey I'm sorry. I just feel bad for you is all." He chuckled. "Forever alone..."

"And proud of it!" I yelled, earning stares from other kids on the bus. I pretended to busy myself with looking out the window. We were about halfway home. Well, Ryan and I were. Abby's stop is three before ours.

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