Chapter Eight

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A/N: I'm going to Re-do this chapter! I absolutely hate it and it's way too cliche for me so please be patient! I have track, soccer, conditioning, and lots of homework that I have to juggle around with only about one day as a break each week. This story has come to a stand still for now! My apologies. Please note that this chapter will NOT exist unless somehow someone talks me out of deleting it. As of now I'm pretty set on doing so, but I have no idea what else to add. 

"I can explain!" Ryan desperately tried to beg for forgiveness from us three girls staring at him in shock and horror.

"How could you lie to us? How dare you! We were treating Ivy like shit because of what you said!" Abby was furious, especially after just being angry with Ivy.

Ryan's eyes darted between ours before landing and locking firmly on mine. "I'm sorry! I... I have my reasons," he looked me dead in the eye with a hidden meaning I couldn't understand, but his eyes showed he was telling the truth.

Those ocean blue eyes never looked so shallow before.

I looked skeptically at Abby. "Then explain to us." She crossed her arms firmly in front of her chest and watched him expectantly.

"Yeah, I want to hear this too. Why did you break up with me? Did I do something wrong?" Ivy asked, she had a harder edge to her voice that I never imagined hearing from her. The sadness and innocence still seeped through, though. I could tell she was hurting.

My heart went out to her. Ryan better have a good fucking reason for this.

"I...well... you see." He struggled with his words. He looked so ashamed as he felt Ivy's judgmental and betrayed face.

Abby pretended to look at a watch on her wrist that wasn't there. She tapped her foot impatiently. "Enough with the stuttering. Spit it out already."

Ryan desperately fought with himself for an explanation he felt comfortable with telling us. Maybe something really was wrong. He seemed to be struggling. I couldn't get past the ashamed and guilty atmosphere he was creating, sending it out like a poisonous gas.

He always had a way with affecting those around him.

"Okay... maybe I can't explain." He scratched the back of his head and seemed to tense up again. What's with him doing that so often lately? 

Ryan's sky blue eyes met mine again and I shook my head at him. I was upset. Why would he lie? We're the best of friends. He shouldn't be lying to us. I mean, yeah we were really overreacting, but I mean come on! He should have a reason in the least.

Abby huffed, frustrated. "Whatever. I don't even care. You had better apologize to Ivy or I'm going to beat you until you do."

He smiled sheepishly at Ivy and winced when she returned it with a frown. "I'm really sorry Ivy. I hope you can understand-"

"I don't," she stated, seemingly bored now. Her eyes were half closed and her lips in a straight line.

"-in the future. I'll be able to redeem myself, I promise. I just... can't be in a relationship right now, okay?" He said, continuing like she hadn't rudely interrupted, though he glared at her for doing so.

A flash of concern crossed her for a moment, but it was gone as soon as it appeared. "Fine." And with that, she stalked off back to her side of the lunch table.

Abby grumbled, but returned to her lunch. She attacked her sandwich and continued to shoot glares at Ryan. I didn't like being in the middle of this.

I sat forward in my seat and continued to eat my lunch awkwardly, chugging down my strawberry milk before leaving quietly to dispose of my trash.

I didn't want to be around at the moment. The air seemed dangerous. That table was like No Man's Land. I didn't dare step near it.

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