Chapter Five

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"I call a redo!" Abby yelled at me, staring angrily at the television screen in my bedroom.

Ryan laughed. "It's not like you'll beat her if we did play again. She always wins. Besides, we've already played ten times. It's getting kind of boring now."

I beamed proudly at my victory streak in Super Smash Brothers Brawl. I was a master at video games compared to my friends. My trusty partner Marth and I were undefeatable!

My beaming smile slowly settled to that of a normal one as Ryan's words sank in. "Oh. Well... what do you want to do?" I asked them.

Ryan stroked his chin dramatically, causing Abby and I to chuckle at him. 

"Well." He drawled, and then paused abruptly, his face contorting to that of shock and worry. "Ah! I have got to pee!"

He stumbled out of the room, knees weak from holding in his bladder. He screamed all the way there. "Bathroom, I need you! Toilet, where are you!"

Abby and I heard the door slam and a loud "Ahhh" from the bathroom, causing us to double over laughing at his childish behavior. I would have complained about how loud and obnoxious he was being, but no one else was home at the time being, so it didn't really matter.

"What is wrong with him?" I asked her.

She shrugged, shaking her head. "It's a miracle that he's even our friend."

I gasped, surprised at her words and smacked her shoulder with the back of my hand. "Hey! Now that was a little rude."

She glared at me, rubbing her arm. "Jerk," she muttered.

The sound of the toilet flushing made its way to our ears. There was a pause and I was about to freak out until I heard the faucet go off and calmed down.

I swear there's nothing grosser than someone not washing their hands. Bleh.

Ryan appeared at the doorway again, wiping the water off on his pants. He glanced at me, and then at Abby, who was still rubbing her arm. I guess I hit her pretty hard.

"What happened to you?" He asked her. He made a funny face, showing that he didn't care for her pain.

She rolled her eyes. "This sorry excuse for a friend smacked me." 

"Hey, you were being mean," I argued. Ryan came over and high-fived me for hitting her.

Ryan laughed and took a seat next to me. We were all sitting on my bed in front of my tiny television. It was an old one, packed with a VCR tape player and everything. When Ryan sat down so abruptly, it caused the weight on the bed to shift and I fell into him. Curse my tiny size.

"Whoa there Nelly, you're getting a little close there." He teased me, pushing me back cautiously with one finger as if I was some stranger who fell asleep on his shoulder.

His face lit up and his mouth turned to that of an "o" shape. He pointed at me accusingly before exclaiming. "Ha! Get it? Whoa, Nelly! You're like a horse!"

My face heated up pretty quickly and I smacked my cheeks, trying to cover them and calmed them down. I shut my eyes tightly and let out a loud breath, about to reply with some witty comeback. However, before I had a chance, my two 'friends' doubled over in laughter and nearly fell off of the bed. In fact, Ryan actually did fall.

Feeling rebellious, I declared out loud that I wouldn't help him up. That ought to teach him.

"Oh," he started, holding his hands up in defense. "Watch out, we got a bad ass over here."

Abby snickered and I smacked him again, blushing. "Hey!"

He pointed at my face. "Oh did I embarrass you? Fine I won't do it agai- WHOA NELLY!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

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