6: Five Shots Down

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The next couple of days went in a manner that Jennie could only describe as; weird as shit. Lisa avoided her, walking out the room as she walked in, pulling her hand away from popcorn as Jennie reached for the bowl, going out for more spin classes than should be humanly possible. Jennie was sure that if she carried on at that rate her thighs would become steel and Lisa could audition for the next role casting for the role of the Terminator.

Yet it was a comfortable distance, a safety net of avoidance that seemed to fit themselves perfectly fine.

"Lis, can you drag Jennie with you to spin today?" Irene blocked off the door just as the blonde was heading out.

"What, why?" She stammered.

"Jennie had a leg injury, she's meant to keep it active to maintain the muscle, and she hasn't done shit here." Irene smiled at Jennie who threw a pillow at her.

"Irene, I'm fine. I'm not going to some Jesus take-the-wheel spin class with Carrie Underwood over there."

Lisa groaned at the name choice.

"Jennie, you're going, don't make me pull sister rank on you. I'm older, you're going."

"Irene, what the fu—"


And Jennie knew better to argue with the girl; she knew Irene could damn well take her in a fight; she had plenty of practice fighting with her other sisters. Jennie was strong but Irene was ruthless, out for first blood like a fucking Viking. It's something you'd never of thought to look at her, her cute smiles, glowing personality, petite form, and inability to swear. Yet deep down somewhere; Jennie was sure she was a professional WWE wrestler.

"Fuck, fine."

"Wait, I didn't agree to this!"

"Lisa, you owe me!"

"I do not!"

"Tzuyu, the girl you met on Tinder and had the date at the bar with? The one you couldn't stand so I had to come and rescue your ass in the middle of a work meeting?"


"Wait, you're on Tinder?"

"Yes, what the heck does that mean?"

"I just thought you'd be on a Jesus one is all. Eve and Eve, or Dawn of Eve or some shit. Do they even have lesbian Christian dating apps?"

"Get your stuff, Jennie, we're going." And with that, she was out the door.

"But what if I go up in flames when the pastor enters?" She shouted after her, grinning away.


Spin classes were a fucking joke. Jennie wasn't sure she'd sweat this much in her life and she used to play college soccer. Not only that but Lisa wasn't joking, the class was genuinely run by a pastor who was reading damn bible quotes at the front of the class as they burned as if that was meant to encourage them. Where was the good music? The enjoyment? It was almost as if the pastor had intended to simulate the burning landscape of hell.

Jennie managed to find some enjoyment right in front of her.

"But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. Galatians 5:16."

Desires of the flesh. Jennie recited the words in her mind as her gaze remained on Lisa's ass. At this point, she was pretty sure the girl was intentionally taunting her, that posture, the flicks of her hair. What she didn't know is why she was so fully entranced by it, heat filling her and she wet her lips. Fuck, she was attracted to the bible girl.

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