Chapter 22 - Party

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Mercury woke up exhausted the next morning. She climbed to the roof of the command center as the sun rose up over Angel Grove. Adam's sweatshirt kept her warm against the cool morning air, she hugged her knees to her chest.

She didn't cry. Maybe it was because she had calmed down or maybe she had cried all the tears she could. Regardless, no tears left her eyes as she sat there watching the world get brighter and brighter.


Mercury jumped, Rocky stood at the door to the roof, hands in his pockets.

"Hey Rocko," she said.

He came and sat down beside her, "What's wrong? You didn't show up to training this morning."

"I- it's hard to explain."

"It can't be that hard, wait, Adam didn't do anything did he?"

"No," she chuckled, "Zordon received a distress call from the planet Edenoi this morning. He thinks it might be my father."

"Your father? Then you have to go-"

"There's no way for us to be sure."

He watched her carefully as she rubbed her eye with the sleeve of the sweatshirt.

"It's not just that is it?"

Mercury felt tears form in her eyes again.

"Mercury! There you are-"

She turned and saw Adam standing there, he stopped in his tracks when he saw Rocky beside her and the tears on her face.

"What's going on?"

Mercury sighed, "Can you get everyone together?"

Adam nodded, Mercury's stomach growled loudly.

"Let's head to the juice bar," Rocky suggested.


The rangers gathered together at the juice bar in a secluded corner no one could hear them. The juice bar was quiet anyways with it still being early afternoon on a weekday. Mercury ordered one last mini taco platter and sighed as she sat down with her friends.

"A lot has happened in the last few days," Mercury started, "I received a vision from my mother. Alpha sent me to Phaedos."

"Wait, you went back? By yourself?" Kim said.

Mercury sighed, "It was something I needed to do alone."

"You shouldn't have gone back by yourself," Adam said.

"I finished my training. I am now the last master warrior."

"Wait what about Dulc-" Rocky started, Adam saw the way tears welled up in Mercury's eyes and elbowed him in the ribs.


The action made her chuckle lightly. Adam laced their fingers together under the table.

"My mother's gone, she passed on her title to me."

The rangers sat in silence for a moment, Mercury wiped her tears away with a napkin.

"Edenoi is in trouble, they're being invaded by Count Dregon and they need my help. Zordon is sending me in alone if I decide to take this journey."

Adam's eyes went wide, "You can't go alone. What if one of us went wit you-"

"Adam, the rangers are needed here on Earth. Without you guys, Rita would take over. The Power Rangers were here before I was, and they need to be here even if I'm not. You guys are strong enough to fight Rita. A master warrior goes where they're called to help. I have a new suit and new powers, I don't even need my veil anymore," she said.

"So you have to leave?" Aisha said, tears were starting to flow from her and Kim.

Mercury nodded, "I think I have to go. Besides, I want to find out if this Leon really is my father."

Adam squeezed her hand.

"We're gonna miss you Merc," Kim said.

Earnie walked up to the table with trays of food, "What's with all the sad faces?"

Tommy spoke up, "This is Mercury's going away party."

Mercury laughed even though tears had started to flow down her face again.

"Aw that's the worst, saying goodbye to your close friends," Earnie said, "Well in that case, foods on the house guys!"

The rangers smiled and thanked him.

When he was gone Tommy picked up his glass, "A toast, to the new master warrior. May the power protect you."

"May the power protect you," the rangers chanted, clinking their glass together.

Mercury smiled and stood up, going around and giving each of them a hug.

"Don't forget to send us messages on the communicators," Billy said, "I upgraded them to have voicemail!"

Mercury smiled and nodded.

"Too bad you can't kick my butt at races anymore," Tommy said.

"Oh I will be back one day just to kick your butt on a run," Mercury laughed.

Kim hugged her tightly, "Guess I'm gonna need a new model to play dress up with."

Mercury took the veil out of her pocket, trying it around Kim's neck, "You're the best stylist anyone could ask for."

"Make sure to call if you need any help, seriously," Aisha said.

Mercury nodded, Aisha wiped tears off of her face.

Rocky ruffled her hair and pulled her into a hug, "It's nice being able to see your hair."

"Gonna miss our movie nights Rocky," she said.

Mercury turned to Adam. He hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" he whispered, she only nodded.

They all sat down to eat their food. Mercury watched and tried to remember every detail about that party as much as she could. She listened to their laughter, watched their smiles, and let the yellow aura of the moment wash over her. Soon enough it was long into the afternoon and the rangers stood up to go their separate ways.

"We'll help you pack your ship tomorrow," Kim said.

"Thanks guys," Mercury said softly.

The group waved goodbye as they walked out, when the coast was clear Adam and Mercury teleported to the command center into her room.


We're getting close to the end y'all :(

Don't forget to vote, comment, and add me to your reading list to get updates on Mercury <3

If y'all can get this to 10 votes I'll post the next chapter early!

and as always I hope y'all are safe and happy and may the power protect you!


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