Ch. 11 "yuk"

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                                              Autumn POV 

T'Challa carried me down to the lab, I was still wrapped in the jacket, he sat me on the table as Shuri arrived with a blanket, 

T'Challa looked me over, checking my arms my face, my stomach, 

"Amazing you took down six armed men and don't have a scratch," He said making sure I had no injuries, 

"She what?" Shuri said 

"You should have seen it," Okoye said 

"One moment she's a small little girl, the next she's a full grown Cheetah jumping over his majesty attacking the armed men," Okoye said 

"Whoa," Shir said as she hooked weird sticky things on my chest and forehead, 

I looked at T'Challa not sure what was going on, 

"She's making sure you are alright," He said smiling down at me, 

I nodded, 

"Here have a cookie," Shuri said 

I took it, 

                                   T'Challa POV 

Me Okoye and Shuri were looking at the monitor everything looked alright, 

"Everything looks good, except for her temperature, it seems she's got a fever," Shuri said 

"What?" I said surprised, 

"I know weird, she's showing no signs of one," She said looking over at Autumn who had the blanket wrapped around her, she kicked her legs back and forth as she munched on the cookie, she was looking around with such interest, 

"She seems fine," I said 

Shuri nodded, 

"Just keep an eye out, it could be from what you told me, I really would love to see it," She said 

"Maybe she will show us again soon, I fear this is why she doesn't do it often," I said 

Shuri nodded, 

"Come Autumn lets get you some clothes on," I said picking her up in the wrapped blanket, 

                                         Autumn POV 

After T'Challa changed me I was walking holding his hand as we walked into the dinning area as he calls it, 

He sat me down, and there was a plate I didn't recognize what it was, 

I smelled it, 

All I knew the green stuff did not smell very pleasant, 

"It is, fish with broccoli," T'Challa said 

Sure I gobbled the fish, me and mommy always had fish, but the green stuffed, smelled just plane gross, I thought as I looked at it, 

I sniffed it again, 

I slowly pushed the plate away, scrunching my nose in disgust, 

"Come now Autumn how do you know you do not like it," T'Challa said 

"By the way it smells," I said waving my hand in front of my nose, 

"Come now at least try it," He said chuckling, 

"No thank you," I said 

"Look," He said taking a bite, 

"Yum, now you try," He said 

I tried it, and yeah didn't like that at all, 

I scrunched my face, and shook my head in disgust, 

"Yuk," I said 

He chuckled 

"At least you tried it," He said picking me up handing me a juice box, 

"Come let us walk around until bed time," He said 

I nodded as I held the juice box with both hands gently 

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