Chapter 6

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The hours on night time are almost the same, the length only changes due to different seasons. Therefore, the length of the night in a season is constant. The most interesting part of it is even though we clearly identify that the hours in night time in a season are constant, sometimes we have those longer nights, not specifically but metaphorically.

Indeed, longer nights happen when we overthink certain things. With uncertainty on their mind, Akari, Reiko, and Ryuu barely slept that night. The next morning, Ryuu is training outside.

"Good morning Ryuu, what are you doing?" Akari greeted.

"Trying to learn how to use instincts like Kane said before" Ryuu answered.

"Why are you working out early this morning?" Reiko asked.

"Oh this? I realized last night that this will be harder than before, I don't want to lose someone, like what happened to Broko and Mista just because I'm too weak." Ryuu explained.

"I do get the point, but why is the enchanted map lying beside you? Someone might steal that" Reiko asked.

"I'm trying to monitor their movement and report it later to Kane when we meet him later. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on it" Kane answered.

"Let's join Ryuu, we should train as well before Kane shows up, we don't want to be outshadowed by Ryuu right?" Akari suggested.

"Of course not, let's do this!" Reiko responded.

The target is already moving outside of Mechtown. Since Kane has not shown up yet, they decided to train for a while. Training does not give any experience level but it does help them improve their primary stats such as; mana, strength, endurance, dexterity, and cast control. Leveling up helps you to learn more skills while training is the mastery of it. A few more hours have passed, nightfall has arrived, shortly, Kane meets up with them.

"Yow CAPTAIN! The target is moving out, should we tail as well?" Ryuu asked.

"Should we hurry? We might miss out something if we stay here" Akari added.

"They are kinda moving fast, probably riding on a wagon or some sort" Reiko said.

"We are all moving out tonight but take a quick bath first, you all stink" Kane replied.

"YOU'RE MEAN!" Akari and Reiko shouted.

"Hehe, we are kinda into training earlier, sorta forgot about that one" Ryuu said while laughing.

"Meet me outside after 40 mins, be sure that everything is prepared" Kane ordered.

After some time, they were all prepared and ready to go. Everyone sat down on the wagon and eventually moved out.

"Ahm Kane, why are we moving so fast?" Akari asked.

"And why are we moving slightly away from them?" Reiko asked.

"Based on my speculations, they are planning to kill Mista and Broko" Kane responded.

"Then why did we not move out immediately?" Ryuu questioned.

"It was just speculation, the evidence was minimal but according to my map read, they are heading to Graspmoon, don't worry I know a shortcut" Kane said.

"I hope nothing bad happens..." Akari worriedly said.

"Captain, what is that black smoke under Taurus?" Ryuu asked.

"Duskhaze, it is a skill that I use to drastically improve my movement speed" Kane answered.

"WOOOAAH! You can cast it on others as well? AMAZING!" Ryuu praised.

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