Chapter 4 (v2)

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In a meteoric speed, the party sprints out as they head to Coronn. They are planning to at least stop for a while in Bysstal but it looks like they cannot afford to do so. Stopping at Bysstal increases the risk of exposing Kane's identity, even though it's inexorable, they are delaying it as much as possible in order for them to investigate more, silently.

Hours of travel slowly dispatched the tension. Hunger is the only thing that reminds them that they are travelling the whole day. The party camped far away from Bysstal's main town, they wanted to stay in the small village nearby, where they first investigated Kane, but they all know it is not worth the risk. As the sun settles, they are already prepared the things they need to start a fire and cook for their dinner. While preparing, a carriage seems to head their way.

"Look, it's heading right towards us" Ryuu pointed out.

"Should we escape?" Reiko asked.

"No, let's see what happens from here" Kane answered.

"That might be an important message from Gramps" Akari hypothesized.

The carriage stopped in front of them and an old lady came down.

"Who's that?" Ryuu asked.

"Wait, I remember her... Reiko, that's the old lady before!" Akari answered.

"Oh, that's why she looks familiar" Reiko responded.

"I'm happy that you still remember me" The old lady said.

"What do you want?" Kane asked.

"Wait... I recognized that voice... Have we met before?" The old lady asked.

"No, maybe you mistakenly recognized my voice for someone else's voice" Kane answered.

"While on the road, my son right here said that he saw a campfire, I have a feeling that I might meet someone I know that's why I told him to head this way. Fortunately, I am right" the old lady explained.

"Good thing your son accompanies you now" Akari mentioned.

"Eeeeeeh, Ever since that incident happened, my son does not want to let me go out alone. By the way you should come join us for dinner, I bought some ingredients, you can also sleep on our place instead of camping here" the old lady offered.

"Should we take the offer?" Reiko whispered.

"I honestly really want to..." Ryuu whispered back.

"She looks like she doesn't know anything about Kane tho..." Akari added.

"Ooooy Captain, What do you say?" Ryuu whispered to Kane.

"Stop whispering, this old lady can't hear you. Come now, I insist. Something tells me that I should offer some delicious food and warm shelter" the old lady insisted.

"Fine, but we will leave first thing in the morning" Kane replied.

"YEHEEEEY!" Ryuu shouted.

"Thank you for your kindness" Akari said.

The party heads down to the small village where the old lady resides. They eventually had a delicious dinner. Afterwards, since they were in a hurry and couldn't shop in broad daylight, Kane offered to buy every goods the old lady have, twice the original price. Akari, Reiko, and Ryuu already expected Kane to do it and they are speechless because Kane did it. With a favorable deal on both ends, the old lady agreed. The night goes deeper and everyone is on their bed, meanwhile a sudden realization enters Akari's mind.

-Kane is not the type of person that talks frequently... and yet... The old lady recognizes his voice. Plus the old lady said that she should cook for us. I remember her offering to cook for us once we expressed her gratitude to the person that saved her... I think she feels that it was Kane that saved her... I strongly felt the same way the second time I bumped into him...

The next morning, the party left the village. Since they already replenished their inventory, they don't need to stop at Suanga. A few weeks later, after camping outside every night, they finally reached Coronn.

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