『Chapter 1 』

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The Audition

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【Sure, it sounded weird without a guitar, but they had managed to ignore it as they continued to sing their latest song written by Alex, Where are the askers.


Karl looked at the house, checking twice that it was the right number. He gripped his guitar case strap tighter as he shut his car door and began to walk towards the door. The street was quiet, not a peep from anyone, all except the sound of drums and a bass guitar being played. The brunette took a deep breath and rang the doorbell, the music stopping immediately and was followed by footsteps.

The wooden door opened inwards and revealed a boy, maybe seemingly a couple of years older than Ranboo, who wore a blue beanie and a big smile. Karl waved awkwardly before the man spoke.

"Aye! You must be Karlos!" He gestured for the man to come in, Karl's grip on the strap tightened further.

"Karl" He corrected "But.. heh, yeah I guess that's me" He followed the mystery man to a door, which he guessed led to the garage

"I'm Alex," He introduced before stepping into the room. "That's George, Clay- you spoke to him on the phone- and Nick" He went through the list and pointed from a short brunette with a blue T-Shirt, to a taller male with dirty-blonde hair and a green jumper and lastly to a black-haired boy who seemed to be Alex's age with Black hair and a white shirt. He's cute.

"Good to meet you Karl" Clay smiled, sticking his left hand out for the male to shake "You have no idea how happy we were to get your call" He laughed as he retracted his hand. Karl laughed shortly, but genuinely.

"Alright, let's say we get this started" Alex smiled, clasping his hands together. "Do you need to plug into anything or you're good? We have the equipment and-"

"Q" George laughed, cutting his friend off "Don't scare him away please" Alex stayed silent and offered a small smile to Karl, to which the brunette reciprocated.

As Karl got set up, George, Alex, and Clay made room for the boy as Nick helped the older male.

"So, Karl.." Nick started, trying to make conversation so it wouldn't be too awkward. "What got you into guitar?" Karl looked at the raven-haired boy and smiled at the fond memory.

"A friend of mine, well, a friend of my cousins, he's really good at piano, ukulele, and singing. I kinda got jealous of him and taught myself, it became a challenge between the two of us as to who could wow my cousin more" The brunette giggled "Toby moved away a few months ago, he and my cousin are still really close but I can't help but think my music saddens Ranboo a bit. He misses his friend and is counting down the days till school break so he can fly over to the UK"

"Well, I'm glad that the boy managed to get you into music, otherwise we never would've met," Nick said, sheepishly. Was that too much? Karl just giggled with a smile. That's cute "Alright, we're all set" Nick backed away and allowed Karl to get set.

Clay gave a nod as he sat next to George on the bass amp. Karl looked at Nick, who gave a small smile. He took a deep breath as began to strum and sing the lyrics to his favourite song to practice, Wanted (Dead or Alive)

It's all the same, only the names will change
Every day, it seems we're wastin' away
Another place where the faces are so cold
I'd drive all night just to get back home

A Simple Song  ||『Karlnap』Where stories live. Discover now