『Chapter 3 』

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Working towards
the future

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He smiled as he passed his roommates their meals and joined them at the table. With a quick 'thank you', dinner fell into place as they fell into a comfortable conversation.

TW// mentions of abuse & manipulation


"I did it!" Alex yelled as he entered the garage where the band was currently setting up to practice their new song, written by Karl. Clay threw a cord to the side to ensure no one would trip on it later, his back slightly turned to the Mexican as he spoke up.

"Do what Alexis?" His tone had no emotion. It wasn't that he didn't care, it was just the fact he was distracted with other stuff. The beanie-wearing boy scoffed and shoved a paper into Nick's hands, gesturing for him to read it aloud for the group. Karl moved closer, glancing over the Texan's shoulder as he read it.

"Live Band Cafe — Boring name. Presents, Battle of the bands, Thursday the 16th June at 6:00 pm. Bands to register by the 3rd!" His voice increased in tone as he read more. Karl jumped up and down with excitement, his hands clutching Nick's shoulders. Nick had noticed that he was a physical person, not that he was complaining in the slightest. He also noticed that Karl didn't touch the other guys as much as he did the Texan, which made him feel even more special.

George took the paper from the raven-haired male's hands and read it himself, Clay reading over his shoulder. A smile was across all their faces and Alex smirked, he was glad when his friend, Sam, handed him the pamphlet this morning during their breakfast.

"Let's go!" George exclaimed

"Do you think we'll be ready in time? That's a whole years worth of practice with Karl and so many more hours we need to put in when we aren't working our part-times" Clay explained thinking logically. George rolled his eyes before shutting up his boyfriend

"Hey, Babe?" The blonde hummed, looking down at the Brunette "Maybe don't be a wet towel at this party? Thanks"

"This is awesome! It may be the exposure we need! Recording execs. go to find new talent to sign on!" Nick cheered, subconsciously placing his hands on top of Karl's, whose were still on the shorter male's shoulders.

"I'll put in extra time in practice at home Clay, don't worry. I have all the music sheets I need to learn the melodies and I don't have a job at the moment because I just moved here" The fluffy-haired brunette explained with a soft smile which just made Nick melt.

"Alright. I'll put our name down tonight!" Alex clapped as he headed towards his piano and tapped a few keys. "Now let's get back to work"


Nick had fallen. He had fallen hard.

He had known Karl for barely a month and he felt horrible.

Karl was adorable. Everything he did was adorable and the raven-haired male adorable everything about him; His contagious laugh, his beautiful brown eyes, his fluffy brown hair, and his exquisite smile. He had him hooked and Karl was his drug.

He felt horrible because; he barely knew the man. He seemed to trust the Texan and then he betrayed that trust by crushing on him... HARD.

Alex knew. Alex was pretty sure that Nick would end up crushing on the older male from the beginning, and he was correct. The short boy already was plotting to try to get them together, he just needed to find out which way Karl swung, which wouldn't be too hard... right?

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