『Chapter 4 』

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Unwanted Guest

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And the thought of Nick made his heart melt.

TW// Homophobia


He had the house to himself. Darryl was at work and Ranboo was at school for the first time in ages, even if he only went once a week and the rest were online.

Karl found himself relaxing for the first time in a very long time, he hadn't had a moment to relax since he joined the band. Don't get him wrong, he absolutely loved the guys, it was the best thing to happen for him. But for someone who hasn't had time to himself for years, it made him feel euphoric.

He laid across the couch, legs up as he watched Adventure Time. He flicked in and out of consciousness, the lost sleep he had lost over the past few years. One minute Finn and Jake were in the bubblegum kingdom on episode 4 and the next they were back in their treehouse with BMO on episode 5 on the next season, he chuckled every time because even though he knew what happened, he found it funny.

The brunette's eyes started to flutter shut once again, pulling his purple fleece blanket further up towards his chin. He took a deep breath and calmed, a smile on his face. He hadn't had this much sleep in a long time, sure, he was awakening every few minutes or hours but he was content.

Apart from the audio coming from the TV and the faint barks of some dogs down the road, the house was silent. No one was due home for a few more hours, Darryl finished at 6 and Ranboo was staying at his friend, Tommy's for dinner leaving Karl for the day.

There was a knock on the door, with a groan, the Brunette picked himself and flicked the blanket off in the process. He dragged himself over to the door, not even looking out the window to see who it was, he creaked open the wooden door. His eyes widened as he realized who it was.

A woman with green eyes and long, wavy blonde hair wearing a beautiful pastel pink casual dress with sleeves down to her mid-bicep and buttons down the front. She wore a smile and a face of innocence.

Karl had every right mind to back up and shut the door, never to open it again but he was frozen. Terror ran through his body. He was as frozen as a rock. She stood there, acting so innocent, yet he knew what she was really capable of.

"Hey Karl"



Clay and George made no sense. Nick was confused, to say the least. How George managed to fall in love with Clay was beyond the young male. The blonde was too flirtatious and he didn't understand how George put up with it because he was not touchy nor flirtatious whatsoever, they were complete opposites.

The much taller blonde had his right arm wrapped around the brunette's waist as they sat in the couples lounge room. George was sitting forward, smiling warmly at his friend. He decided if he were to understand his predicament, he should go to the only two people who he knows that went through the exact same thing.

Clay was helplessly in love with George for years before they all finally met in person, and before their trip ended, he got the guts to confess, even if he screwed up their friendship. Which, spoiler alert; it didn't.

The drummer knew he would regret telling them because knowing Alex, he would recruit them into his little 'mission' and they would begin to harass him about Karl too. He only just found out about Karl's identity and how he was questioning himself, he didn't want to put any more pressure on the older male. He cared for him, it was evident, but how far would that get him in the end?

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