12. sassy prick

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|| AXL'S P.O.V ||

An unbearable pressure on my bladder wakes me up when I shift my body to a different sleeping position. Apparently my system won't allow me continue my peaceful slumber, so I sit up and swing my legs over the edge of the bed, rubbing my face lazily. My navy blue comforter is removed from my body, which leads my focus to realize my abdomen covered in a t-shirt. With furrowed brows I turn slightly to discover a beautiful blonde girl curled into a ball on the other side of my bed, silent puffs of air leaving her parted lips in a relaxing motion.

I curse under my breath when my mind catches up with reality, images of last night surfacing almost immediately. A small smile pulls at my lips when I recall the two of us kissing in the street after watching one of the most humorous movies ever. The sweet movements of her lips against mine will always be stored in my mental category labeled 'mmm'; most memorable moments. You would believe it to be filled to the brim with unforgettable experiences from the past few years of being on the road with my four best buddies, but the collection is emptier than you think. However, Dakota has managed to reignite the fire of my brain controlled system of worthy memories.

Before I proceed with my intentions of taking a piss, I notice how bare Dakota is, one of my large t-shirts and my high school basketball shorts being all she's wearing as the duvet lies completely untouched by her. Remembering how easily her body temperature descends, I nearly punch myself in the face for carrying out my selfish habits. I may not be used to waking up next to someone, but that's a lame excuse for letting my guest freeze all night. I hurriedly wrap the warm fabric around her, thoroughly tugging in the sides before sauntering off to the bathroom with shaky steps due to an almost exploded bladder.

Five minutes later I find myself glancing at the clock on the wall in my living room, showing it is past three, which is not an unusual time for me to wake up at. However, it is unusual for me to tiptoe around my own apartment to make sure the girl with mesmerizing eyes and incredibly kissable lips doesn't wake up. Sleep is such a valuable thing when you have nowhere to call home, and judging by her constantly modest reactions I have a feeling she isn't used to sleeping in a real bed as she repeatedly insists that the floor is more than enough for her. Even though it felt strange to sleep next to someone, I can't deny the satisfying sensation that comes with keeping her safe.

The sound of the phone ringing snaps me out of my thoughts and has me jumping a few feet in the air, practically sprinting to the kitchen to answer it before the noise awakens Dakota. She needs sleep.


"Hey, man," Slash's voice sounds on the other line. "How's hibernation?"

I roll my eyes despite the distance between us, knowing he can't see me, but also knowing he's well aware of my short fuse in most situations. Slash and the guys tend to know exactly which buttons to press in order to infuriate me, so I'm praying he'll stick to a regular conversation for once.

"I just woke up, couldn't be better," I reply sternly, leaning my back against the doorframe between the kitchen and living room.

"Me too," he sighs, most likely exhaling a cloud of smoke from the permanent cigarette dangling from his lips.

Silence fills the line as it often does when we talk, but neither of us ever seem to mind. Friends of nearly four years don't have to constantly talk to keep a conversation going. My mind wanders off to Dakota once again, contemplating whether I should tell Slash about her or not. On one hand I want to let the whole world know I kissed one of the most beautiful girls with what I consider to be the brightest smile when she allows it to show. But on the other hand I want to keep her safe from the various dangers lurking around too many corners. Surely, Slash and the guys wouldn't harm her in any way, and before I can talk myself out if it, my mouth has already formed the words and released them into the phone.

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