13. morning routine

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Panic floods through me when my eyes open to see momentarily unfamiliar surroundings until I realize where I am, once again relieved to recognize the quickly growing comfort of being in Axl's bedroom. Despite the darkness in the room due to the thick material of black curtains hanging in front of the window, I am able to make out a couple more details than the previous times I have been in here. It consists of a large bed (in which I am currently lying) with a navy blue comforter as well as pillows, a wooden dresser in the corner of the room with a mirror on top, a nightstand on either side of the bed with lamps, and of course the curtain covered window.

However, the objects that really catch my attention are the several paintings on the wall, some more abstract than the others. Various colors and patterns indicate the brush stroking softly against the canvas with a hidden emotion masked by the unknown artist of the masterpieces. Sudden movements and splotches of paint have scattered all across the once white canvases, covering every corner with colorful stories in different aspects of life depending on how you see it. I have never been a fan of art myself, but there's not a doubt in my mind that Axl would be able to change my opinion as soon as his full lips begin to form the words of another fascinating anecdote, art related or not. He certainly has a way of intriguing me.

My thoughts quickly turn down a similar route of the events from last night, a smile instantly spreading across my sleepy face at the memory, which Axl took the initiative to make in the middle of the street after asking for permission. I still struggle to comprehend how incredibly adorable I find the fact that he asked me first, a refreshing change from other guys who tend to dive right in without a greeting or something down that road.

I'm not quite sure what the meaning behind the kiss was, but I know I certainly wouldn't have rejected his sweet request. Being an adult gives you the right to kiss freely, which is exactly what we did. Whether Axl felt the same indecipherable ignition of the entire body or increased heart rate will remain a mystery to me, but it honestly doesn't matter. I felt it, and whenever our paths diverge in the near future, that one moment will live on in my heart and mind.

The creaking sound of a door opening brings me out of my thoughts as light slowly streams into the dark bedroom. My nerves seem to skyrocket before returning to normalcy when Axl's frame appears, his movements slow and cautious. His long hair cascades down his back, muscular body lingering in the doorway for a few seconds before his voice echoes around the room.

"Dakota?" he whispers before taking one more step inside. I can't see his face due to the light illuminating only his back from the living room, but I can imagine him squinting his eyes to try to determine my current state. "Are you up?"

Despite the massive amount of awkwardness I feel at the moment, I decide to sit up with the comforter wrapped around me, hoping he'll see me instead of waiting for an actual answer. When he begins to move towards the bed, it's clear that he's aware I'm awake. I hug the dark fabric around me tighter in an attempt to potentially disappear through the layers of comforting sheets and mattresses. I am in no way ready to face the day or reality, and certainly not Axl. I already owe him the world for everything he's done for me over the past few days, and here I am sleeping in his bed as if it was my own. Shuddering, I manage to pull on the nicest smiling mask I can find in stock at this exact moment.

The lamp on one of the night stands is switched on and the dim light is enough to make me shut my eyes in distaste. That feeling quickly diminishes, though, because Axl's handsome face comes into view as he takes a seat on the edge of the bed, his body twisted slightly to face me.

"I didn't mean to wake you up," he says quietly, forest green eyes hinting at an unknown emotion. I shake my head while rubbing my eyes in the least repulsive way I can.

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