22. potentially

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|| AXL'S P.O.V. ||

Later in the evening I decide to choose between ordering takeout or attempt an edible homemade meal for dinner. Since I'm possibly the sloppiest person in a kitchen despite my need for keeping the rest of my apartment practically spotless, I find a reasonable compromise consisting of taking Dakota to Laura's restaurant to fill our stomachs. I haven't heard a single complaint from Dakota regarding her lack of food intake, but I know she's starving due to the growling noises her stomach makes every now and then. She sheepishly waves it off every time the sounds interrupt our conversation, but I've finally managed convincing her to allow me to take her out for dinner.

Upon arriving at the restaurant, Laura nearly squeezes the life out of me in her own extreme way of showing affection, sneakily throwing in a sharp remark about the length of my hair these days. I can tell she's fairly shocked to see Dakota by my side, but she greets her warmly nonetheless before guiding us to a booth in the back. She hands us two worn menus and leaves us to decide what to eat.

Dakota is the first to speak once we've both picked up the menus. "Can you please let me pay for my own food today? It's really bothering me, Axl," she says, leaning her forearms against the table and pursing her lips in determination.

"I thought you said you were broke?"

She sighs and shrugs her shoulder. "I am, but I should have enough to buy food for myself."

The way her eyebrows knit together and a couple of deep lines appear in the space between them makes it obvious that she's embarrassed to admit her financial struggles. Her facial expression turns into a scowl each time she looks around, and I can only assume it's due to the uncomfortable sitting position I found her in this morning on the couch when I woke up. Her neck must be killing her. However, the ability to make every male gawk at her on the way here is surely kept intact, and I'm definitely not one to speak on that note. She's as breathtakingly beautiful as ever, simply wearing one of the shirts I bought for her along with her own ripped jeans.

"Laura won't even make us pay, don't worry about it," I assure her, tapping my index finger against her wrist absentmindedly.

"I really wish I had a job. I swear I'd buy you the state of California if I could afford it," she exclaims sincerely, all traces of amusement on her face disappearing as she watches me intently.

"Let's start with the city of Los Angeles," I chuckle, causing a grin to spread across her features.

"Axl, I'm actually serious right now. I owe you my life. You let me eat your food and drink your beer and coffee, you let me use your shower, you let me wear your clothes, you let me sleep in your bed with you. Plus, you haven't even yelled at me for leaving several times without telling you why," she lists the things I've done for her, her bright blue eyes wider than usual, looking as though she expects me to finally realize my supposedly gullible actions.

"Well, maybe that's because I like you, Dakota," I reply, struggle to contain a massive smile.

"You do?"

I scoff and roll my eyes at her. "No, I absolutely hate spending the day with you and kissing you every chance I get and listening to what you have to say. Definitely do not like you," I mock, winking at her playfully.

Her mouth is agape and as much as I wish she'd go along with my false statements in a good-natured manner, I'm not too shocked to see a somewhat pained look in her eyes. Surely, she knows deep down that I'm joking, but it's incredibly conspicuous by the doubtful frown upon her lips that she's currently having an internal battle on whether to take my words to heart or not. I can imagine what she's gone through; someone saying hurtful things to her for ages, which eventually has led to an insecure behavior as she's constantly suspicious of the people around her. I honestly can't say I blame her.

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