14. awkwardness before contentment

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"Thank you," I smile as Axl opens the passenger door of his surprisingly very red pickup truck. My eyes had nearly left their sockets when I first saw the vehicle since I somewhat expected him to drive a Lamborghini or Ferrari to match the seemingly well known rock 'n' roll image that I have yet to fully discover. All in all, the old looking truck with cracking red paint and multiple dents was the last thing I expected to see when he had announced that driving to his friend's place would be easier.

The seat is cold underneath me as I get in and I notice an incredibly strong scent filling my senses as soon as the door is closed; a mixture of Axl's usual cologne and cigarettes. I watch as he walks around the front of the car to jump in behind the steering wheel, letting out a puff of air in the process.

"Jesus fucking Christ, it's freezing in here," he comments exasperatedly, immediately turning the key in the ignition before reaching to the middle to turn a few button all the way up. "Sorry about that," he says, looking at me with furrowed brows.

"It's fine, don't worry," I assure him with a soft smile before returning my gaze toward the windshield, my fingers absentmindedly picking at my nails while they rest in my lap.

Axl backs out of the parking spot behind his apartment building before turning onto the road with ease, making it very apparent that he's driven this vehicle for years despite its poor condition. With my limited amount of knowledge in the field of cars and such, I allow myself to believe this certain one has seen much better days. Even though I had expected him to drive something more prestigious, I find it incredibly endearing that he doesn't feel the need to own a nicer one. I'm sure I wouldn't have felt nearly as comfortable in a fancy sports car.

The buildings fly past the window as I seem to be completely lost in my own thoughts. Again. A lady with a child by her side walks down the street, the little girl with adorably curly hair grinning widely up at the lady, who I presume is her mother. A pang of undesirable hurt flashes by my heart before the two strangers disappear out of sight.

I quickly return my attention to Axl who seems to be just as lost in his thoughts as I was  in mine. His thumbs drum against the steering wheel lightly without seeming to put much thought into the action, green eyes locked on the car in front of us as he maneuvers his own around the busy city skillfully. Suddenly his eyes leave the road to connect with mine, a confused expression on his face before parting his lips to speak.

"Is something wrong?"

I curse internally for letting my eyes stay on him for so long, knowing he must think I'm beyond crazy by now. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and answer his question at the same time. "No, everything's fine."

I just happen to think you're disrespectfully handsome and I kind of want you to kiss me again, my mind corrects silently.

He looks at me skeptically before nodding, shifting his gaze to the road once again. "Well, we're almost there."

I swallow harshly, feeling the nerves skyrocketing. I'm not quite sure what to expect, but I know it won't be tedious. Axl has a way of being interesting in everything he does. If his friends happen to be a mere percentage of what he is, then I'm most likely going to get along with them. I suppose my biggest fear is to be left alone once we get there, watching Axl take off with his friends without giving me a second glance as I desperately try not to panic.

The car is turned off and Axl jumps out to run around the front before opening the passenger door for me. I thank him once again and find myself blushing when his arm lands around my shoulders to lead me towards an apartment building. My every instinct tells me to reach up and grab his hand in mine, knowing he wouldn't mind in the slightest, but I physically refrain from doing so. I'm not exactly an initiative taker and it would haunt me for the rest of my life if he pulled away from my touch.

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