~ 1.20 | If I ignore it long enough it will go away, right?

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(n.) A change in fortune, especially one that is unwelcome or unpleasant. 

"It has begun," Regulus murmured in muted horror

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"It has begun," Regulus murmured in muted horror.

"Reggie?" James questioned, concern filling him at the distant look in Regulus' eye.

Regulus shook himself from his stupor, "Cassie just had her first vision, Peter's gone."

"Go," James responded without a second thought. "She won't understand what's happening. She needs you Reg, go ahead."

"I'll see you later?"

"Of course, protect our girl, Reggie."



"What the fuck!"

"Blaise," Pansy hissed.

"No, no, he has a point," an ashen Cassie agreed. "Anyone care to explain what the bloody fuck just happened?"

"I'd disapprove of the language used, but it seems pretty appropriate right about now." muttered a resigned looking Remus.

"Did... Did you just give out a prophecy?" asked a frazzled Hermione in disbelief.

"I don't know, did I?" Cassie said looking just as confused. 

"Yep, remember when you asked if I'd gave you all the live changing news? Well..."

Cassie jumped, startled,"Tío Reg?" 


"Reg?" questioned a confused Sirius, looking at Remus for an explanation.

"She sees spirits, just go with it."

"She's talking to my dead Death eater brother - whom no-one else can see, might I add - and no one's even a little concerned?"

"You'll get used to it, mate," Ron sighed. "Eventually."

"Also, word of warning, don't insult Regulus. You'll only ever make that mistake once, trust me." Draco advised with a shiver. 

Sirius cocked an eyebrow, wanting an explanation.

"Let's just say Lucius is very careful with his words now," snickered Remus.


"Tío Reg?"

"In the flesh... Well, more like in the spirit, but you get what I mean."

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