~ 1.12 | The Break In

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(n.) Unnecessary fear.

"So, this is what the Gryffindor common room looks like

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"So, this is what the Gryffindor common room looks like."

"Suppose it's a welcome change from the snake pit," Harry replied cheekily.

"Hey, I am technically a 'Snake' you know, Potter." 

"Sure, but you're also a little lion."

"Little lion, really?"

He shrugged smirking, "Well, you are small."

"I'm only a few inches shorter than you," Cassie protested as Harry snickered.

"What's a Snake doing in here?" demanded Ron as he entered.

"She was also sorted into Gryffindor, Ronald." Hermione shook her head at him disapprovingly and offered her an apologetic look, "Are you sitting with us today, Cassie?"

She nodded, "I was going to, Harry suggested it."

"What about Malfoy? How will he survive without his precious girlfriend?" Ron hissed and Harry looked interested in how she would respond.

Cassie snorted, "Draco is not my boyfriend, Weasley. He's my cousin and we grew up like siblings."

"Did Mr and Mrs Malfoy take you in, then?" asked Hermione curiously.

"Not exactly, I live with Moony but I visited them a lot growing up so he could have a break. Draco and I were taught together too and Cissa insisted on me attending the balls."

"Balls?" repeated a bewildered Ron.

"Aww is Ickle Ronniekins jealous?" Cooed one of the twins as they approached the group.

"Bet he wanted to wear a pretty dress too Freddie." the other joined in.

"A dance with a Prince --"

"A kiss at the stroke of midnight --"

"-- Oh, to be chosen prettiest of the ball," they chorused while swooning. 

Ron turned as red as his hair, "What do you two want?"

"Don't flatter yourself, brother --"

"It's not you we came for --"

"We came for her," they finished pointing a Cassie.


"Yes, we seek your knowledge fair maiden."

Cassie snorted, "Alright boys, you have fifteen minutes."

Hermione looked like she was going to protest it, but the twins moved too quickly for her as they escorted Cassie out of the common room saying they'll bring her to the feast with them unharmed - no-one looked willing to believe them.

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