~ 0.1 | The Aftermath

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(n.) The fear of hurting someone.

"Remus, please, you have to take her!"

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"Remus, please, you have to take her!"

"Sirius your perfectly capable of looking after her yourself, why do I have to take her?"

"You don't understand, you need to take her. They'll be after me soon and I need to find him first!"

"Who? Sirius, you're making no sense?"

"No, time to explain!" he says placing a gentle kiss on the sleeping child's forehead before handing her to Remus. "Take care of her, I have faith in you. I'll miss you, old friend."

"What do you mean? When will you be back?"

Remus gets no response as he stands at his door watching Sirius leave, apparating away without looking back.


Remus awoke the next day to a loud knock at the door. After quickly checking on the sleeping child, he answered the door with a yawn.

"Professor Dumbledore?" Remus spluttered as he opened the door wondering why his old headmaster was visiting him.

"Mr Lupin, may I come in? I'm afraid I have some grave news." 

Remus paled at these words, "Of course, Professor. I'll put the kettle on, shall I?"

"No need my boy, I shan't be staying long. Let's have a seat, shall we?" Remus nodded, too anxious to form a coherent response.

"Now, I'm sure you're aware that the Potters' house was under the fidelius charm with Sirius Black as their secret keeper."

"Yes sir, what about it?" Remus said, worry seeping into his bones.

"Well, last night that charm was broken, which can only happen if the secret keeper tells of the location, because of this Voldemort was able to find the Potters and I'm sorry to say  that Lily and James were found dead at the scene."

"No, not James and Lily! Sirius would never!" Remus cried heart broken. Greif swallowed him whole like quicksand, like it was the ocean, and he didn't know how to swim, waves of pain drowning him.

"That's not all, I'm afraid. Peter Pettigrew went after Black when he found out, trying to avenge lily and James I assume. Unfortunately, Black was too skilled for him, murdered him leaving only a single finger and obliterating 12 Muggles too. Aurors found and arrested him at the scene, while he laughed hysterically. He's been sent to Azkaban for life without a trial."

Remus composed himself and looked up at Dumbledore "What about Harry, you never mentioned Harry? And what's happening to Cassiopeia? Sirius brought her here last night, insisting I took her in but didn't ever say why."

"Harry's fine, I've taken care of it. It's true what they're saying, you know, he did conquer Voldemort - no idea how but I'm working on that. Oh, and as for Cassiopeia I thought it obvious. You are her godfather - aren't you?"

"Well yes, but I couldn't possibly look after a child! What about my condition? I could hurt her, and I don't have enough money to keep her happy!"

"I'm sure you'll work it out, my boy. There's no other option! Maybe speak with Augusta Longbottom, she's got Alice and Franks' boy after..." Dumbledore cleared his throat. "I'm sure she'd have some tips on parenting, anyway! Again, my condolences for your losses. I must be off now, goodbye!"


A small voice brought Remus out of his thoughts. "Moony?"

Turning around he saw the tear-stained face of his goddaughter.

"Yeah Cassie?"

"Where's daddy?"

His heart broke for the girl, so young yet such sorrow haunted her. How was he supposed to explain this to a child?

"He's gone away." Remus stated gently.

"Where? Why couldn't I go too? What about Harry? And why did bad man hurt Prongsie and Auntie Lily?" She questioned panicking.

"Wow, slow down Pawslette!" He knelt down eye level with the girl.

"Padfoot did something bad so he had to be taken far away so he wouldn't hurt anyone."

"Will he be back?"

"I don't know, but it's okay 'cause you've got me and I'm not going anywhere!" Cassie nodded mutely. 

"Harry's fine but I don't know where Dumbledore has taken him." 

"Can we go see him? Please Moony, he gets scared. I got to be there!"

Remus shook his head regretfully, "I don't think so Pup."

Cassiopeia turned, pouting with tears glistening in her grey eyes, about to leave the room.

"Wait, how did you know about Lily and James?" he asked softly.

"I was there." she muttered, eyes to the ground.

"You were there?"

"Yeah, daddy had work so I played with Harry. We played dress-up and Auntie Lily did my hair. then we had hot chocolate and watched Bambi. But then bad man came." she explained, tears rolling down her cheeks towards the end.

"What happened then?" Remus questioned pulling her into a hug.

"We went up, then Prongsie went all quiet downstairs. No wands. And I was in the clothes thing when bad man came. There was a green light and then he wasn't there anymore. Auntie Lily was asleep, and Harry had a cut but then daddy came and got me. A big hairy man took Harry though." she said through tears.

"It's okay baby. You're safe now."

"They're not coming back are they, Auntie Lily and Prongsie?"

Remus sighed, a tear rolling down his cheek "No baby girl, they're not."


Author's Note

I hope you enjoyed the first proper chapter! Please don't forget to vote and comment, I'd love to read your feedback.

[Published: 03/11/20]

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