~ 1.07 | The Hippogriff

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(n.) The state of extreme anxiety, distress; 'feeling so attacked right now'.

Everyone left the divination classroom quietly, most kept glancing at Harry as if he could drop dead at any minute

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Everyone left the divination classroom quietly, most kept glancing at Harry as if he could drop dead at any minute.

Cassie fell into step with the trio on their way to Transfiguration chatting to Hermione about lessons, though she could tell the curious witch was trying to politely bring up her sorting. As it seemed, she didn't need to beat around the bush because Ron, blunt as ever, also had questions.

"So, your dad taught you some tricks then."


"Your dad, y'know the murderer you conveniently didn't mention was related to on the train. Was it him who taught you how to manipulate the sorting hat?"

"Ronald!" Hermione hissed.

"What? It's just strange isn't it, her dad escapes and suddenly she starts school. You know who he's after Mione and I bet she does too."

"Just what are you excusing me of?"

"Oh, I don't know. Just wondering if you're going to grow up and be like your daddy."

"That man isn't my dad, he's my father but I don't know him."

"Then how'd you do it? How'd you become a Gryffindor and a Slytherin? You'll never be accepted you know, all you are is a filthy, rotten snake!"


"Bet you're the reason Harry got the grim. Going to finish the job your dad helped start?"

Cassie was speechless, tears glistened in her eyes and she felt all the guilt she'd pushed down from her father's actions rise again.

"Ron that's enough!" hissed Harry, who seemed to have noticed her distress.

Cassie pushed past Ron and entered the Transfiguration classroom, deciding to sit next to Draco.


"Really, Ron? You just had to do that?"

"Oh, come off it Mione. She's bad news and you know it."

"No, I don't actually because we don't actually know the girl, just who her father is."

"Yeah, well, that's good enough for me."

"That's unfair and you know it," said Harry. " I've read the Daily Prophet; he was arrested the day after he did it. She knows him just about as much as I know my parents."

They were all silent after that and Ron shot Harry an apologetic look. Harry just shrugged it off and they all entered the classroom.

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