~ 1.04 | The Sorting

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(n.) The strong urge to avoid someone or something.

) The strong urge to avoid someone or something

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"You okay to go up there yourself?"

"Yeah Pansy, I'll be fine."

Pansy didn't believe her but gave her hand a comforting squeeze and left anyway, knowing the girl was too stubborn for her own good.

Cassie looked a little better after some more chocolate and a calming draught from Madam Pomfrey but was still unhealthily pale. She had been just about silent while in the thestral drawn carriages and was currently waiting to enter the great hall to be sorted with the first years.

There she stood, a head taller than all the first years, listening to Professor McGonagall's speech.

"Alright then, into the hall with you - no dawdling. Cassiopeia dear, are you quite sure you're okay?"

"Just peachy Minnie," she responded with a nervous smile.

"Off you go then; you'll be sorted last I believe."

Cassie nodded and entered through the huge hall doors.


The Great Hall was a large hall with four long tables where students of each House sat; to the left was the Gryffindor table, then Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and finally to the right was the Slytherin table. The staff table was at the front, where the entire Hogwarts staff sat, including Dumbledore who sat in the centre in a throne like chair. 

Possibly the most impressive thing about the hall was the ceiling, enchanted to reflect the starry night sky. Had she not been so nervous, Cassie would have marvelled at the sight. All the constellations were visible, and the moon was bright, below the sky were rows of floating candles lighting up the room.

Cassie stood at the end of the crowd of children, dreading the moment her name would be called. But time passed, as time often does, and the crowd dwindled until only she remained.

"Along with the first years there is also a new third year student joining us along with the new DADA teacher Mr Lupin," Dumbledore informed the students just before her name was called and she inwardly cursed the man for somehow managing to draw more attention to her.

"Black, Cassiopeia." Minnie called and gasps immersed from around the room, then silence.

Cassie tried to not let it faze her. She embodied her inner Narcissa and kept her head high, a faux look of indifference on her face. She sat on the wooden stool, briefly aware of Regulus' anxious appearance next to her, and McGonagall put the sorting hat on her head.

'Ah,' said a voice in her head. 'I've been awaiting you're sorting for a long time."

'What do you mean?'

'You're destined to do great things child; the prophecy is very clear of that.'


'Yes, but now is not the time for that. Now is only the beginning.'

To say Cassie was confused was an understatement.

'You'd fit all the houses I see hard working, wise, ambitious and a pinch of recklessness. But your bravery and cunning come above all. It seems the prophecy is to be confirmed my child, just be aware not all those have your best interests at heart. Reputations don't always reflect the true person inside so tread with caution. I've done all I can for you, I cannot stall the inevitable any longer.'

"SLYTHERIN!" the hat called and the table of green erupted with cheers, Draco's being the loudest.

It didn't stop there though; the hat was yet to be lifted from her head when it shouted once more.


As confusion grew so did the noise and suddenly Cassie was drowning in the commotion.

The hat was lifted from her head, making her aware of the stares she was receiving. Everyone was talking about her but not too her. The attention overwhelming her she looked around helplessly and saw Dumbledore whispered conspiringly with McGonagall.

Then, she turned and saw Regulus had paled - which was a sight to see considering he was a ghost. She didn't have much time to think on his reaction though as suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder making her jump.

"Come on Star," Draco said encouragingly, leading her to the Slytherin table and sending withering glares to those watching them.

Once at the table she seemed to calm. The group seemed to cover her from the gawking crowd, understanding they could get answers later right now they needed to protect Cassie.


"¿Qué está pasando?" asked Cassie shakily.

"No lo sé Star," replied Draco, holding her hand tight.

She nodded laying her head on Draco's shoulder.


The feast was painstakingly slow, and Cassie hardly touched her food, too aware of the whispers surrounding her.

Once everybody had ate, she left the great hall with Pansy and the others, assuming she would have a bed in both Slytherin and Gryffindor dorms.

As luck would have it, she was right so unpacked her trunk and then went to sleep - part of her hoping today was just a dream she would wake up from.


Authors note

Thank you all so much for 1k reads!!!!

Hope you enjoyed and that you all had / will have an amazing day. Xx

[Published: 04/12/20]

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