~ 1.17 | The Holidays

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(n.) A kiss on the hand.

The weeks leading up to the Christmas holidays were quite uneventful

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The weeks leading up to the Christmas holidays were quite uneventful. Invitations were sent, ballgowns and dress robes were made, gifts were bought, and plans were arranged, but aside from that it was just the usual repetitive drawl of lessons. 

Cassie and Harry still weren't allowed to Hogsmeade, but Narcissa had arranged for them all to see a seamstress for the ball so it hadn't affected them - they even managed the measuring with minimal complaints from all parties involved. 

It was safe to say Cassie was ecstatic for the ball, she was basically vibrating on the train home. She had just gotten an owl from Charlie confirming that he and Nymphadora were definitely coming to the ball which just increased her enthusiasm, making her border line unbearable to deal with. She couldn't help it though, for the first time the ball wouldn't just be filled with stuffy pureblood bigots and they'd likely be able to have fun without giving Narcissa an aneurism.   

"Cassie, you need to calm down - you're giving me a headache just looking at you," Pansy complained.

Cassie just stuck her tongue out at her and continued making a flower crown for Blaise, both wandlessly and non-verbally but if anyone was surprised at this, they didn't show it.

Once she had finished, she placed it on his head, the icy blue flowers matching his silk shirt.

He kissed her cheek in thanks, "Amazing as always, Bellissma."

Cassie beamed at him and then turned to Draco, "Who's staying at the manor this year?"

"Just us until boxing day," he said referring to Pansy and Blaise as well, "But after that all the usuals I expect."

"Ugh," she groaned. "Is Luna coming at least?"

He just tapped the side of his nose conspiringly and she threw a handful of Bertie Botts every flavour beans at him in retaliation as Pansy and Blaise laughed.


The morning of Pansy's birthday Cassie decided to leave the usual rude awakening to the boys, she had more important things to do. She had gotten in contact with Pansy's sister just after the boggart incident and had convinced her to come over for Pansy's birthday. It was surprisingly easy to do, especially since Pansy's parents weren't staying at the manor yet and Narcissa loved Melanie like her own.

Cassie had arranged for her to floo over before Pansy woke up and was waiting anxiously in the guest's wing for her arrival. She had, so far, manged to keep Pansy from finding out, which was quite a feat considering how abnormally observant and noisy she is.

A few minutes later the blinding green light and roaring of the floo brought her out of her thoughts.

"Melanie," Cassie exclaimed, beaming at her.

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