chapter 4

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Yami was looking amazed at the cocoon that contained his daughter.

She was completely surrounded by her ،  and it had black flowers with beautiful smell , He didn't know what he must to do , the thorns was covered in darkness, and when he tried to cut it his magic did not affect on it , and it was absorbing the darkness attacks .

Asta try Using his unti magic, but Charlotte stopped him ,"  dont do anything  ,  I think my curse was passed on to her , but in a different way , Canceling it in this way might kill her" ,  Asta  stop when  he heard her. 

 Yami tried to find a solution to this problem without harming her,   but her thorns began to move and attacked what was approaching her in an attempt to protect her.

 He noticed that there were gaps in her thorns ,  " Are you the one who caused these loopholes?".

He look to the young man behind him ,  he was still shocked and did not speak , he was disappointment , and the pain is clear on his face , because he knew that he lost ,  and If Yami hadn't protected him , He would have been dead .

" This is not a daydreaming time" , Yami shouted about him ,if you came here to prove your strength and become a knight of magic , then the first thing you must learn is not to give up and not to stop trying , and if you withdra from the first loss it is better to return to your home" .

 "That's right" , the young man got up looking resolutely, " I formed my magic into small drops that were very fast, I don’t know Maybe that's why it affected her thorns " .

 That was a gamble, but that's all Yami had , He must get his daughter back.

" Direct your magic to a one area , until she emerges from that cocoon and then we think about how to wake her up"  .

 And this is what he did, the form of his magic into very small and successive drops and directed it to the bottom of a cocoon in the hope of creating a gap, and he seemed to try to move quickly while attacking her thorns ,  The magic of darkness had caused the increase in the power of her magic , and he could not discover the location of his attack because of the smell emanating from her, he felt that it was possible in a moment to sleep because of that smell , but he continued in the attacks ، with  support of Yami who protected him from the thorns  .

he sent the last attack and screamed at her , " who allowed you to sleep there you are strong and you will fight me , our fight  has not ended , I will not allow you to sleep , While This thorns to defeat me ".

then he was surprised by her magic, which caused a wound in his arm,  he avoided it with difficult .

 But suddenly, Akemi had begun to wake up , It seemed that those words touched her heart , and began to return to reality , and when she opened her eyes she saw the destroyed yard , and her father and that young man were injured .

the idea  she had let something control of her and hurt the people she loved scared her , she Will not allow that to happen again .

The thorns start disappear around her , and she fell to the ground ,  That young man caught her in his arms and protected her from hitting the ground.

 She was looking around in shock, not understanding what had happened , but she noticed that it was still a patch of thorns and darkness flying high , and she remembered that she did not find her grimoire ,She was afraid to think that he was there ،  she stood shocked and saw the thorns covered in darkness wrapping around him more  .

"  I expect you to do something, otherwise you will lose your grimoire , I help you to restore it if you want ?" .

His words brought her back to reality, and she looked at  him with an icy look of his killer , " he is mine and I will restore him myself , I don’t need anyone help " ,She said while thinking  she will not lose all her hope now ,  This awareness took hold of her mind and began to release her power to control her magic .

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