chapter 14

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A year passed after that incident, Maria merged with the black bull squad, she loved to be near her brother again, she was trying to prove herself with more missions and increase her strength, but she had almost the same problem as her brother, there was something limiting their magical power And it affects the nature of their magic, she wanted to unleash all the power of her wind magic, she tried with her brother many times but they didn't get past that obstacle, and there was no one who could help them, so they decided to develop the power they currently have.

This made Maria make her difficult decision , She knew her brother would not like that , and it meant  she would stay away from him again, but if she wanted to become stronger, she had to do so.

Akemi had told her before that yuno king of Spade is Asta childhood friend, so she went to talk to him and ask Yuno to train her.
She knew he might refuse but if she wanted to get stronger she had to try several times.
Asta smiled as she told him her request, and after seeing her insistence, he agreed and took Yuno approval and took permission from the wizard King to go to Spade.

Masaru refused to let Marya go there and tried to get her to change her mind, but she was adamant and she fight with him about it.

Masaru sat outside angry when gauche came and sat next to him, gauche was not usually the type to start a conversation with anyone.

"I heard you fight with Maria about her going to Spade, you don't want her to go" ,  gauche break the silent between them.
"Yeah, I don't want she to walk away from me again" , Masaru whispered.

"I know how you feel, when Marie was 15, Captain Yami refused her entry to the black bulls, and he went and asked Captain Charlotte to include her in the Blue Roses, and she was included there and she did not enter the magic knights exam so as she not to enter another squad , and maybe I cause trouble to the other squads when I go to see her , Captain Charlotte was very strict about her members and visits, she was terrifying to make her angry ,and pissed her off  it meant pissed off Captain yami, so I didn't dare to protest or do anything , at first I didn't like it, but with time I realized it was the right decision, because  She found herself in that squad and was able to unleash all her strength, if she stayed here I would still be afraid of she getting hurt and going on missions, sometimes you have to let them find their way on their own" , gauche was looking at the sky as he spoke.

Masaru looked at him and sighed, maybe gauche was right.

After that, Maria prepared to leave, Tetsuo was standing watching from afar, saying goodbye , Perhaps in the past year a lot of things had changed and changed his thinking , He went with Maria on many missions that made him discover how innocent and good she was , He loved her presence around him  And he wished Masaru had refused her going to a spade. Maria approaches him to say goodbye , He trie to avoid it, but it is not possible.
"you're leaving" he forced himself to say.
"I guess so, I won't see you until after a long time, sorry for the trouble I caused you" , Maria said and smiling at him.

Tetsuo scratched his neck and looked away feeling shyly , perhaps if someone had told him a year ago that he would be in this situation he wouldn't believe him.
Finral opened a gate and she left through it.

The months that followed slowly passed, filled with missions and exercises, but everything was calm and peaceful.
There was a captain meeting when Marx told the wizard king that there was a call from Yuno and he preferred to make the call in front of the rest of the captain .

“How are you, How are things going for you?” , fuegoleon said.
"It's all right, it's about Maria and her training, I wanted to talk about it and give you the results" ، Yuno replied.
“Is she okay, what’s going on?” Asta asked frightened.

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