chapter 23

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Yami went to the Castle where  Cedar king was staying with Charlotte and Asta, there were a thousand questions in his head about that boy.

When he entered the king room, he see fuegoleon who seems to have arrived here before him and King Clover with him

“Yami, what are you doing here?” fuegoleon asked.
“There is a conversation I must have with the Cedar King” , Yami replied.
"  about What ?".
"It's about the boy accompanying you, where is he by the way?".
"You mean my grandson Philip?"  .
" Yeah, where is he ".
"I'm her, what do you want?!"  Yami heard Philip voice
He looked at him and found him standing in front of the door, accompanied by Aiko and the king assistant.

" can you explain to me how that boy has dark magic?" , Yami ask in a high tone .
"I think the kind of magic my grandson uses is  none of your business , you'd better leave" the Cedars King replied in an angry tone.
"Isn't the magic of darkness found in the outer countries?"  Fuegoleon asked.
"I'm not going anywhere, no, the magic of darkness exists only in the Hino Country from which I came".
"Yes, I know, my grandfather told me", Philip said .
"Is one of his parents from the Hino Country?" , Charlotte muttered.

"I didn't finish" , Yami eyes were fixed on Philip before he could finish his words.
“This is something not many people know about, but Dark Magic is not only specific to the Hino Country, but only exists in my family , My family inherited Dark Magic from generation to generation and no one outside my family took Dark Magic, even my only sister who got married from outside our family her children did not inherit the magic of darkness, and this made us always targeted, as no one wanted us to have such great strength”.
Everyone was looking at him in shock, trying to understand what he said.

"I'm hearing this for the first time , If what you're saying is true, it means...  I don't believe it" , The Cedar King muttered, he couldn't find the right words for this situation.

“I want to ask you something, Do you know someone named Akihiro?” , Yami looked toward the assistant of the Cedar King, tension evident in the air between them.
“Where do you know Aki from?” , Yami whispered in disbelief that he would hear that name again in his life.
“Please tell me how you know him, what is your connection with him”  the Cedar King assistant said desperately .

"Ok , he is my older brother, and when I went to visit my country years ago, my sister told me that he went to look for me and did not return , she thought he had found me and we preferred to stay outside to save our lives ، because they were targeting us in the  Hino Country, but after my return she discovered that this is not true.  We don't know anything about him" ,Yami replied.

"I can't believe this, you're the lost brother of Aki, how did the destiny accidentally bring me here after we searched everywhere for you, I don't believe I was going to kill you ، I promised to find you even if it was the last thing I do in my life, please forgive me", tears were gathering in the eyes of a king  Cedar approached Yami and hugs him in his arms.

Yami stood there, not understanding anything that kept the king away from him.
"Can you explain to me what's going on here?".

"Grandpa, what's going on here, and how does he know my father ?" , Philip was looking at his grandfather, waiting for an explanation of what he had heard.

"Your father?!"  Yami said shocked .

To be continued.........

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