chapter 10

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Masaru was still holding Akemi from behind and trying to calm her down so that she wouldn't take a step that she regrette on it later .

They were all in shock at the sight they saw in front of them.

Suddenly, they feeling a magic approaching, they jumped back and prepared to attack, when they saw roots spread in the air and turned first around Tetsuo  who was still in yuuki hands .
William magic was trying to save them

Masaru yell as William magic was heading towards Yami and Charlotte, William looked at him
"There is a magic circle surrounding them that will explode if someone touches them  , It might be weak magic to feel but I can ".

" i think we should surround them with magic that protects them while moving them, and protects them if the explosion occurs" , fuegoleon suggested while he was preparing a fire magic, it might be useful.

" I think there is someone whose magic is better.” Masaru spoke while he was looking at akemi, Use your thorns covered in darkness to surround them completely with the magic of Captain William, and at the same time we will cut the magic that penetrates them so that you can quickly pull them out".

It was a simple and quick step in trying to save what was left of them.
"What if I fail, their bodies will explode, no, I will not do it, I cannot handle with that” , Akemi was terrified and talking, and her tears began to fall .

Suddenly Masaru slapped her with a light slap that wanted to wake her from her fear .
"You are a knight of magic, you have ambitions and hopes , If you withdraw now, how will you continue your path and give up the opportunity to save your parents? You will do it, because you are able to do that".

  Akemi wiped her tears with her hand and tried to gather her strength , He was right, she began to release her spell, which met with spell of William They surrounded Yami and Charlotte body like a cocoon, covering them completely , At the same moment, fuegoleon cuts off the magic that runs through their body
akemi pulled them quickly, at the same time the place they were in exploded, fuegoleon formed a magic to repel an explosion and contained it with the magic of fire.

They succeeded so hard.
akemi was still carrying her parents body with her magic, when fuegoleon ordered Bob to open the hospital gate quickly, and carried Tetsuo with his arms, and before leaving he ordered Asta and some magic knight to search for survivors at the scene.

All necessary medical attention was requested to meet them in a hospital.
Owen met them at the hospital door when the gate opened, and he did not know what had happened.

He looked in surprised at akemi, she carrying two cocoons with her magic, and the tears dried up on her face, and fuegoleon carrying Tetsuo in his arms.
"We will explain later , we have to treat them , William tried to help, but I don't know how successful his spell was".

  Owen Nodded his head aand tell them to follow him to a room where they were put them on beds, and at that moment, Grey entered while she was panting.
"Sorry for being late, did you ask for me?".
"Yes, sorry To bring you at this time, but the matter is dangerous and we need any possible help that we may need with your magic, but before you break the cocoon you must be ready to see the worst and deal with it".

fuegoleon tried to explain the situation.
  Owen and Grey Nodded, when akemi loosens the cocoon.

When the bodies of Yami and Charlotte appeared in front of them, it was a frightening sight, Grey tried to hold on, as she did it before and saved gauche from a large sword piercing his body.
it will not be difficult to deal with this thing that penetrated Captain Yami ,she will do everything she can to save him, she owes him a lot  , Her life would not have reached here without him.
Everyone got out of the room and left it to Owen and Grey.

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