chapter 16

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Things were fine, and commercial matters were agreed upon between the two countries.
Aiko was a constant escort of Philip, and they got very close to each other, and his visits and meetings with Yami family were repeated in the following two days.

Aiko was supposed to accompany Philip, but he apologized to her and told her that the prince would stay in a palace and would not leave today or tomorrow, she left the place surprised that Philip did not tell her yesterday that he would not go out.

Philip was watching her leave the window, sighing and looking at his grandfather,
- "Do you think what you're going to do is right?"
- "What's happening to you Philip, why did you suddenly become hesitant? I allowed that girl to accompany you, so you could watch over this family , not to influence you ,  Don't forget where her father came from and they are also allies with the people who caused your parents' death".

- "I haven't forgotten that, but they are a little different from what I imagined".
- "Do you want to back off?"
- "Of course I don't want to, when do we start?".
- “I agreed with that man that we would start tomorrow evening ”.
Philip nodded and left the room, he thought that by coming here his desire for revenge would increase, but what happened was the opposite, and doubts increased and whether what he would do was right or not.

At the time Aiko left the royal quarters, she met Masaru, who was coming to Silva house.
- "Why are you leaving early?"
- "I have been told that Philip does not want to leave the palace today and tomorrow, and I don't know why".

Masaru looked at her in amazement and decided to ask her
- "Aiko, I want to know something about Philip , Do you know what his magic is?".

Aiko started to think for a moment and then replied,
- "By mentioning that, he did not use his magic while I accompanied him, and when I asked him once, he avoided the answer , It may be the same type of magic as his grandfather, why do you ask?".
- "Nothing, it's just curiosity , Bye I have to go to practice" , Masaru said, turning away from her.

After that he met Nozel, he talked about what aiko had told him.
- "This is strange , I was also told not to accompany the king either, I want you to stay close and watch the area and their movements all , I also spotted some suspicious movements and the sudden absence of the king assistant without anyone knowing where he was going , It is better to stay careful, and not tell anyone ,I'll send someone with you to watch , we do not want to disturb everyone without reason”.

- "I'll paying attention to this" Masaru said before leaving.

The next morning, the king assistant slipped out of the palace, followed by Masaru ، He left for a suburban town near the mountains and entered a cave.

Masaru tried to hide his magic so as not to be discovered and followed him inside.
He stopped when he heard him talking to another man, he was feeling an ominous magical energy in the place and heard their talk about the date of the attack on Clover, he opened his eyes in shock and he heard his words to the point that he did not notice when a man approached him from behind and hit him on the head.

- "You idiot, how do you allow someone to track you down?".
- "I didn't notice him, damn he is one of the magic knights who accompany the prince, they might notice his absence".
- "then tellsthe king we will attack in the afternoon" .

Several hours later, Masaru woke up, a fatal headache was in his head and blood was on his face, he tried to open his eyes, he was bound and could not move, he tried to look around him, it was pitch dark, but he felt an evil energy in the place that was not something he was familiar with.
"Wake up, mouse." He heard the voice of a man approaching him, holding a candle in his hand. He was a man in his late 40s, with gray hair .

- " Who are you and what you want "
- "This is something you don't want to know , but what really matters to you is that you will die soon, but the good news is that everyone in Clover will die after you".

That man tone was cold, he swallowed while looking at him, he should take enough information from that man and run away so as to warn the others.

- “Do you think that a weakling like yourself capable of defeating the strongest magic knights of Clover will crush you?”.
- "I won't, he will" he said , pointing his candle at the end of the cave.
The candle lit the place a little, but Masaru could see a huge very frightening monster with two horns on his head , That was an evil energy coming from him.

That man approached the monster with a smile.
- “None of you can defeat him, not even the young man who possesses anti magic , I made sure to avoid the mistakes we made earlier”.

- "What do you mean before, I haven't seen you before," Masaru asked, trying to get a man to speak.

- “because you are going to die I will tell you, this monster contains the power of a demon as well as some dark magic
Which I took from one of the girl some time ago, in addition to some modifications I made, in the past I worked under the service of a dark triad and learned from them the ways of communicating with the underworld, I may not have been able to summon a demon and conclude a contract with him like them, but I was able to extract their demonic power And put him in this monster , and now we will avenge Clover for what they did with the Dark Triad”.
That man laughter was frightening.

He left the cave with his monster, Masaru was trying to break free from his chains but it was useless, when the cave exploded and seemed to fall on him.

In Clover, Philip had left the castle, still hesitating what to do when he met Aiko in town.

When Masaru was late to return and  tells Nozel his report on his observer, he felt that there was a mistake and moved his squad to the palace in which the Cedar King lives and asked them to close the place and not allow anyone to leave

That monster suddenly appeared in the city and began to destroy it.
All the magic knights went to that area.

Nozel entered the palace, where he informed both fuegoleon and thrle other Captain of his suspicions after Masaru was late.

- “What do you think you are doing with our guests,”  the king of Clover said angrily.
- "You can ask him about the suspicious movements of his men in the city , I just care about Clover safety."
- "I don't know what you're talking about,"  the Cedar King said.
- "Then why don't you ask your assistant where he disappeared today , One of my men was watching him, but he hasn't come back yet" .
- "Are you watching us?"
- "Don't change the subject," Nozel answered coldly.

When they suddenly feel his demonic power, they look at him from the window.

"He start early" the king of Cedar whispered laughing.

To be continued ......

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