🎆cue fireworks🌌🌠

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after breakfast, kuroo told me he had a suprise for me. what could it be?
i mean- i really wasn't expecting anything after such a long night. but then again- he lost his virginity so he might want to celebrate somehow.

i begged him to tell me what it was, but he wouldn't.
it was almost 6 now, i had gone the whole day waiting and waiting for what was supposed to happen.

i can't stand surprises.
i'm too much of an anxious person for that.
"are you dressed"? kuroo asked popping his head into his room.
"i've been dressed for an hour". i said restless.
"fine fine. we can get going". he said.
"FINALLY"! i exclaimed standing up.

he told me to dress casual, just some sweats and a shirt i didn't mind getting dirty.
are we going hiking or something?
not what i would expect honestly.

"you're gonna love it". he said.
"love it"? i asked raising a brow.
he sure was excited.
i'd never seen him so amped for something.

when we were finally in the car, i realized how pretty it looked today.
"look at the sky". i said.
"i know- it's really pretty". he responded.

he started driving and i looked out the window to see people walking and peeked inside the shop windows.
"i had fun last night". i said.
"yeah- i did too". he replied.
"you're not mad about lev right"? i asked.
"i know when you mean something and when you don't". he responded.

i smiled.
he really did make me so happy.
"so where are we going"? i asked.
"you can't wait for 20 minutes". he laughed.
"i'm impatient". i shrugged.

~15 minutes later~ 🌃
when he finally slowed the car down, he turned right and pulled into a parking lot.
"are we at the park"? i asked.
"yeah this is a really nice one". he responded.

aw how thoughtful.
a nice evening walk would be nice.
no one had ever done anything like this for me before.

"there's more". he smiled.
"what is it"? i questioned.
he got out the car and popped the trunk, pulling out a picnic basket and a big blanket.
my jaw dropped.
"did you really bring a picnic"? i asked.
"surprise". he replied.

i was a smiling mess.
i can't believe he actually did this.
"are you crying"? kuroo asked coming to my side as i got out the car.

"no". i mumbled wiping my tears.
"is it really that speacial"? kuroo asked jokingly.
"kinda". i nodded.
"i've never been with someone that put in so much effort". i said.

he looked over my face.
"i wouldn't do any less than this for you". he said.
i wanted to bawl my eyes out until i couldn't cry anymore.
what is this sappy feeling?
i know this is cute- but why is it making me so emotional?
i guess because this is the first relationship where i knew the boy wasn't in it for sex.
he actually liked me.

"let's go find a spot". he smiled closing my door behind me. i walked behind him as it got a little darker. it was quiet out here, just us.

the sky was a mix of pink and orange, and a little bit of purple in the clouds.
it really did look magical.

we found a nice spot in the grass.
kuroo layed the blanket out, and put the basket down.

we sat across from eachother and took the things out. he had packed fruit, sandwiches, mini cakes of all different flavors, cookies, wine. everything you could think of.

"we can't eat all of this". i laughed.
"we can try". he smiled.

"you really did this for me"? i asked.
"of course". he said as he poured us glasses.

"getting drunk in the park"? i joked.
he grinned. "we can do whatever we want".

i smiled, "you nerd".
he looked up at me.
"still calling me that"? he asked.
i nodded laughing.

"this is the one night in the spring that the sky will look like this". he said.
i looked up, "wow, how did you know".
"because i told myself, whenever i found someone i loved i'd bring them on one of these days". he said.

wait... someone he loves.
"you love me"? i asked looking at him.
"i've told you before". he laughed.
"yeah but- a lot of my exes said that". i replied.

"well- i mean it". he shrugged.
"do you really love me tetsuro"? i asked.
"ugh my first name". he sighed leaning back on his hands. "yes i love you y/n, who wouldn't".

my face, it was wet.
i brought my hands up to it, i was crying a lot this time.
"you're emotional". kuroo laughed.
"maybe i'm pregnant". i smiled.
he stared and blinked.
"i'm kidding". i laughed reaching over to hit him.
"ok ok! but- i was almost excited". he smiled.

"we can't have a baby right now". i laughed.
he grinned
"i'd be a great dad you know". he said.
i nodded.
"you would".

we started to eat and the sun started to set.
"it really is beautiful out here". i said admiring everything i could.
"it can't compare to you". he said standing up to come sit next to me.

"you're exaggerating". i replied.
"i'm not". he smiled leaning in.
we started to kiss and i grabbed the back of his neck to deepen it.

"i love you". i whispered as i kept kissing him.
"i love you too obviously". he said making us smile as we kissed each other.

suddenly he pulled back.
"i have something for you". he said reaching into the picnic basket.
"what's that"? i asked looking at the box in his hand.
"proposing"? i asked.
he smiled. "not quite yet".

he opened the box and pulled out a ring.
"what's this for"? i asked.
"it's a promise ring, because one day you will be my wife". he smiled.
i smiled back, oh god here come the water works. why can't i stop crying.

"do you mean that"? i asked.

"i do". kuroo said lifting my veil.
the audience cheered as me and kuroo came in to kiss, kiyo was nearly throwing up her tears.

"i love you more than anything". kuroo whispered to me. "i love you baby". i said looking at the ring on my finger.
his new job at kenmas wife's game company really paid off. gamecore? i think.

"i have something to announce". i said as kiyo stood by me, my best bridesmaid, and my best friend.
the priest handed me a microphone and me and kiyo looked at eachother.

the boys didn't know that-
"we are pregnant". me and kiyo said in sync, lifting our arms and crying.

"PREGNANT"?! kuroo and lev both screamed since they were standing side by side.
it took a minute but then they both came to scoop us up and kiss all over us as the audience went absolutely wild.

kuroo said grabbing the mic and yelling.
"ME TOO"! lev said grabbing the mic from him.
oh god- this is gonna be a whole other story.
and i'd be happy to tell it.

oaktree- 😢i'm not crying. you're crying.
oh god i cried while i did this. i love you all. if you didn't see my other books go see them. just- bye. 😣🌠😃😛I LOVE YOU

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