Chapter two - the night it happened

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Abigail walked downstairs to face mom after getting mad at her, she was in her nurses uniform grabbing her things in the kitchen.
"Look abi I have to leave and whatever mood your in needs to stop"

Abigail nodded back to her as she left. She walked over to the fridge to find some dinner but as usual there was no food, she didn't have any money so she had to wait for Scott.

She waited for about 20 minutes until Scott walked downstairs with Alison. "I'm dropping Alison home and then I'm meeting stiles, if you need anything, well just don't" he said as he grabbed his jacket.
"I need dinner but since your obviously leaving in such a hurry it's fine" I said.
"Ok" he sighed.

They left and once again I was on my own.


Abigail soon decided to cycle to the hospital to get money from her mom since it looked like She had no other options.

It was extremely dark, there was only a few gas lamps to light up the street.

She made it to a small cross road ten minutes later absolutely soaked yo the skin, she looked both ways before crossing but had to wait and let a car pass.

It was stiles' jeep. It was heading outside the town into the forest, Abigail got curious and made an executive decision. That decision was to follow them, she wasn't that hungry anyways.

The newspaper this week was all about a murder investigation and She didn't really take any notice until now, the investigation was taking place in the woods where supposedly that's where the body was.

"What are stiles and Scott doing looking at a murder investigation?" She thought to herself, "it's not the most intriguing thought of a murderer on the loose"

She followed them but kept her distance so that she wasn't noticed,the jeep stopped suddenly causing Abigail to panic and crashe straight into a fence.

"Hey did you hear that?" Stiles asked Scott.
"Hear what?"
"Never mind it's probably nothing" stiles shrugged.

Abigail watched as the two boys went into the wood, she crept quietly along behind them.

It was hard for Abigail to be unnoticed while trying to creep along the woods, she felt stupid but her gut was telling her that this was right.

She was debating on whether to go back or keep following when she heard a crash, she looked around by the tree. It was Scott.

He fell backwards and lost his inhaler, Abigail stared and breathed a sigh of relief, she thought they found something scary.

There was a sharp howl behind her, she turned her head around fast and then saw somthing run along in front of her on all fours, it was not a normal creature if was a man figure.

She screamed but quickly put her hand to her mouth, the light shone over in her direction,
"Abi??" Stiles calles

She screwed up her face in defeat but turned around, "hey Scott, Hey stiles"
"Were you following us?" Scott asked in disbelief.
"Well not exactly"
"So what we're you doing?" Stiles asked.
"It doesn't matter, the real question is what are you doing out here?" Abigail questioned.
"Research?" Stiles said hoping I would believe him.

"Oh so it has nothing to do with the dead" Abigail was cut off stiles dad shining a light at us two, Scott had already made a run for it but left me and stiles do face the sheriff.

"Abi? Stiles?"
We both turned.
"Hi dad!" Stiles said.
"mr stilinski" abi said.

"What on earth are you two doing out here?" He looked around as if to find an answer.
"Research for a school project" stiles answered quickly.
"Y-yeah school project" abi stammered.

"Well there was a murder here so you guys shouldn't be out here alone, let me get you home Abigail" sheriff stilinski said to us.
"Abis fine sheriff" she said to him.
"Come on ill get you home, stiles drive straight home or else I will sell that jeep" he said.
"Yes sir" stiles said in response.

Word count: 730💙


Authors note:
Idk will this be as good as the first story but yanno, if the details are off I'm so sorry I haven't watched season one in forever so sorry bb

Authors note:Idk will this be as good as the first story but yanno, if the details are off I'm so sorry I haven't watched season one in forever so sorry bb-Orla🤡

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