Chapter 7 - issac laheys girl

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I was sleeping peacefully in issacs arms until I heard something down the hallway outside the room, I sat up carefully trying not to wake Issac.

"What are you doing" he said sleepily.
"Oh am just the bathroom" I whispered back.

I got out of the bed and took off the gown, it was extremely uncomfortable and itchy so I put on issacs shirt and stiles tracksuit that was still damp from the last morning.

I quietly crept to the door and slowly opened it, I heard noises weird noises coming from the hallway.

I was terrified being on my own but I couldn't help my curiosity. I walked slowly down the narrow hallway, the noise had stopped and everything was quiet for a few moments. I stood still, trying to hear what was going on, I heard whispering and hushed voices downstairs.

I walked over to the stair way and walked slowly down, it was dark and scary so I walked pretty quickly out of there and made my way to the 1st floor.

The lights above me started flickering, I looked up at them my heart was beating fast in my chest. I could hear footsteps slowly coming closer to me.

I stood still unsure of what to do, the footsteps were getting faster towards me and I could see the shadow getting bigger around the corner.

They were just about to turn the corner when a pair of quick strong hands grabbed my waist and pulled me into a small room. It was Scott he heard me leaving and followed me out.

One of his hand was over my mouth, we both looked down at the crack under the door and watched the shadow on all fours walk slowly past.

Scott held me tightly in the corner of the small room, my back was pressed against his stomach as we watched the shadow disappear.

We waited for a minute before we left the room making sure we were unnoticed, the lights were still flickering. "Scott! I hear the footsteps coming towards us" I whispered.

We ran down the corridor towards the stairs, the beast followed us. Scott had the wolf speed so he powered ahead of me but he slowed down and grabbed my hand pulling me along, he pushed open the door and pulled me in standing in front of of the door to try and block it out.

"Maya go ahead I'll try and hold it off, go get Issac!" He was using all his strength to keep the door shut but what ever that thing was, was just as strong,
"But Scott-"
"No go now" his eyes started glowing red and I could see his face and hands change.

I ran up the stair back up to the room with Issac and stiles, I pushed the door open and woke Issac up. "Scott needs your help now there is something down there"
"What in the hospital?" He questioned.
"Yes" I said and I walked over to stiles bed, I looked in the curtain in horror.

"Issac where is stiles?"
"He's right- oh no"

The door was burst open but a wolf one we had never seen before, it was bigger and scarier than most of the ones I had seen.

Issac pushed me behind him getting his claws ready but we both knew that he was no match for this monster.

He was about to attack us when he fell, Scott stood at the other side of it, "we need to go now!"

I ran out in front of Issac towards Scott, the beast started moving but was still unconscious,
"Maya run!" Issac shouted.
"No I'm not going to leave you with this thing!" I could feel my eyes watering.

Scott grabbed my shoulders so that I was looking straight at him, "run and find stiles ok I will make sure Issac gets out of here alive, do you hear me"

I turned and ran down the hallway looking in each room, "stiles!" I whisper-shouted, "stiles!".

"Maya!" Stiles shouted from the room at the bottom of the hall. He was strapped to a bed/chair beside a bunch of medical tools, I ran down to him and tried to get the straps off him.

"What happened to you why are you here?" I asked.
"I don't know I just woke up here by myself"

I tried pulling off the straps but it was no use, "stiles your going to have to stay very still"
"What are you-" he saw the scalpel in my hand, "no no no Maya stop no don't come near me with that"

"It's ok I won't hurt you don't worry" I started cutting carefully through the leather straps stopping just before his skin.

I managed to free both his hands and his legs, "where are Scott and Issac?"
"Oh yes we need to go, NOW!" I grabbed his wrist and ran with him trailing after,
"What is going on?"
"We just need to leave"

We ran to where the exit was meant to be but the doors were chained off, I started to panick looking around helplessly.

I ran over to the reception desk and threw some of the papers off the desk to find the phone. I hit the numbers for dad and it started ringing, "DAD, Help were still at the hospital and there is some wolf here and it's trying to kill us, the doors are chained shut we need your help"

"Wait maya is this you what's going on are you ok where is Melissa—" before he could finish the call was disconnected.

"What dad no" I slammed the phone back down.

"Oh were you on a call with someone" it was a woman's voice, we both turned around to see a woman holding the phone cord, her eyes were glowing and she had sharp black claws.

Stiles stood in front of me protectively but we were both absolutely petrified.

Word count: 1010💛


Authors note:
Guys why am I getting excited I'm the one writing it HAHAHA

Authors note:Guys why am I getting excited I'm the one writing it HAHAHA-Orla😫✌🏻

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