32. Here and Now

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Its been a few weeks since Aaron found out about all of this.

He seems to be adjusting well.

Colby and I drank blood infront of him the other day he didnt even flinch.

Tara and Jake turned under the full moon, and Aaron actually helped secure them in the basement because once they turn they can't control what they do.

And one bite from a wolf will kill me and Colby within two days, maybe less if it's bad enough. And it would kill Mike within minutes.

He allowed Devyn to make him a vervain bracelet rather than him having to drink it every day. Now he can't be compelled unless he takes it off.

She made one for everyone else as well, just to be safe, well expect Colby and I obviously.

Elton seems to be handling his near death experience very well. I guess he's used to living life on the edge at this point though.

Maybe that's not even the first time something like that has happened to him.

Look at the company he keeps. Im sure there's been other times he's been in the cross fire of a supernatural showdown.

Corey adjusted to news as well. I mean he knew about a lot of it already, but everything that happened was a lot to take in all at once.

Its been nice to just relax and hangout with everybody and not have to worry about your secrets being revealed on accident.

Its nice to be able to have open conversations and not have to worry about who might here you.

It may have been a terrible experience at the time, but im happy that it happened.

Life feels so much easier within the house now. And it feels like a real family.

"What are you thinking about?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Corey's voice from behind me.

"Just life, ya know." I said with a smile.

"Which life are thinking about?" He asked me, sitting down at the side of the pool with me.

"This one. The here and now." I said, he looked up at me and smiled.

"Are you happy with the here and now?" He asked me.

Just as he asked, I watch Colby come out the door and start walking towards us.

"Yeah. Yeah I am." I said smiling.

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