5. Gotta Get Out

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"I'm sick of you thinking you can control my life!" I shouted.

It's been nearly two weeks since Elton's party. And I've only seen Sam and Colby once when they came here to film in the apartment, luckily Laura was away for the day. And I saw Elton for a brief moment before Laura drug me away from him.

They keep asking me to hangout but I'm always forced to tell them no because Laura won't get her head out of her ass.

"I'm not doing it to control you. I'm doing it to save my own skin! I'm not getting forced out of another place because you get discovered by to many people!" Laura shouted at me.

"Oh but it's totally fine for you to go out and haunt people for fun? Why do you get to scare the shit out of people and I just get to sit at home and twiddle my thumbs all damn day?!"  I shouted back.

I'm so over this shit. She gets to live her life. And I don't. I've been around longer than her. I know how to hide the truth about me.

"My goal in life isn't to kill people!" She shouted.

"Neither is mine!" I snapped.

"Then why is your body count so high!? You've killed many more people than I have!" She hissed at me.

"I'm a vampire Laura. Not a demon. Yes, I've killed people. What vampire hasn't killed people!? Especially when I was first turned and had no idea how to control myself! But I've learned. I've been around for nearly one hundred and forty years! I've got it all under control now." I shouted at her.

"Is that why you killed that boy back in Arizona a year ago? Cause your so under cintrol?" She asked aggressively.

"He had it coming! He deserved that!"

"No one deserves it. I dont even know why I let you come with me this time. You'll never change. Everytime something bad happens to you, you just shut your emotions off and destroy everyone in your path and leave me to pick up the pieces." She shouted at me.

"Then let me leave!? Don't clean up my messes. Jesus Christ Laura if you really think I cant handle it, then let me fail. Let me get taken down. I don't need you. And I don't want your help." I snapped at her before storming out of the room.

I started throwing my clothes in a bag. I grabbed my chargers, laptop, the necessities.

I looked at the Polaroid I had hanging on my wall of me and Laura from when we moved in here and she didn't control my life. We were happy. But that's done.

I ripped it of the wall and ripped it in half and left it in my bed for her to find later.

I grabbed my keys, not that I'll need them cause I won't be back.

"Caroline! Open the door!" Laura shouted from the hallway.

"Here's an idea. Go to hell." I shouted back.

"Been there. It's not pleasant."

"Is that where we are now? Sure feels like it. Let the landlord know to contact me for the key." I said back.

"Caroline! If you walk out I'm not gonna look for you. I'll act like you never existed." She snapped at me, swinging the door open.

"Ditto." I said with a smile as I ran as fast as I could passed her and out the door.

I ran to the nearest elevator and rode down the lobby and stormed out of the building with my stuff.

I made it a few blocks away before realizing I needed to find a place to go.

Fuck my life.

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