33. Just When You Think It's Over

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It's been quiet here at the mansion lately.

Less partying and loud music and chaos, more just hanging out, just the inner circle of the housemates.

I guess we all just decided to try and avoid anymore supernatural drama, for this year anyway.

New Year's is just a few days away, and we're planning a small party to celebrate, and I'm just hoping we can at least ring in the new year without and chaos.

In all my years on this earth, I've never had a new years celebration that didn't end either in a blood bath, or without some couples break up drama bringing the mood down.

Its almost like the day is cursed for me or something.

"Hey Cara, can we talk for a second?" I heard Jake from his room down the hall.

"Yeah be there in a sec." I shouted back.

I threw my phone down on the bed and got to my feet for the first time today, stretched out my limbs, and started walking towards Jake's room.

When I get to his door way, I see him sitting at his computer desk just staring at the door waiting for me.

The look on his face was extremely intense.

"Colby went out hunting last night, and he hasn't come back yet. Have you talked to him?" Jake asked me.

"Last I talked to him was like one or two this morning, around when he left. Has anyone else heard from him?" I asked, growing concerned.

"Elton saw him in the city with Aaron around ten today, but nothing since then." He said, and my breath kind of hitched in the back of my throat.

"Aaron was here at ten, he couldn't have been with Aaron."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure. He was up here with Sam, I could hear them talking to each other. I'm sure about it."

"Well then who was he with? Elton said it was Aaron, but if Aaron was here it couldn't have been him. He can't be two places at once. There's no way." Jake said, as if I didn't already realize this.

"I know Jake, but Aaron was definitely here. So who was Colby with, cause it definitely wasn't Aaron."

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